Eesnäärmeprobleemid meestel on seotud alanenud ihaga


2012-03-15, 2012

Ajakirja pealkiri

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Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool
Tartu Ülikool


The present study was designed to examine the associations between psychosexual factor like desire and prostate-related problems like erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms in men. A cross-sectional survey was conducted a sample of 227 men (152 controls and 76 clinical) with the mean age of 52 years, how were asked to answer the questions about their sexual desire, prostatitis-related symptoms, erectile dysfunction and sexuality. The result were expected and indicate that erectile dysfunction and overall desire scale is negatively related so in controls and clinical (r=.63; r=.26), in dyadic sexual desire (r=.66; r=.33), with no sexual activities (r=.58; r=.37) and solitary sexual desire in controls (r=.25), with clinical were no connection. Erectile dysfunction and prostaterelated problems are positive correlated (r=-.45; r=-.22) and erectile dysfunction and lower urinate tract is like, in controls (r=-.33) and clinical (r=-.12). The result support previous studies in the hypothesis, emphasizing the need for further research in the field of sexual health. Keywords: desire, erectile dysfunction, lower urinary tract symptoms



eesnäärmehaigused, kuseteed, erektsioonihäired, seksuaalsus, ihad
