Risk factors, etiology and long-term outcome in young ischemic stroke patients in Estonia
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Noores eas on insuldil sageli laastav mõju, sest selles vanuses inimestel on tavaliselt perekondlike ja töökohustuste koorem kõige suurem. Viimase paarikümne aasta jooksul on oluliselt kasvanud insulti haigestumus alla 55-aastaste seas. See tõus on toimunud isheemilise insuldi ehk ajuinfarkti arvelt. Ajuinfarkti põhjuseks on aju verevarustuse häire arteri sulguse tõttu. Ajuinfarkti haigestumuse suurenemist on seletatud muu hulgas sellega, et riskitegurite – vähese liikumise, suitsetamise, ülekaalu, kõrgenenud vererõhu jt – levimus on märgatavalt kasvanud.
2003.–2012. aastal Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaiglas ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumis ravil olnud 18–54-aastaste ajuinfarkti patsientide uuring kinnitas, et traditsioonilised insuldi riskitegurid olid noorte seas levinud. Ligikaudu pooltel esines kõrgvererõhktõbi või oli vere kolesteroolisisaldus suurenenud ning kolmandik suitsetas. Kõrge vererõhk, südame rütmihäired jt riskitegurid esinesid Eesti noortel patsientidel sagedamini kui teistes Euroopa riikides ja selle poolest sarnanesid Eesti patsiendid endast mitukümmend aastat vanemate insulti haigestunutega. Lisaks näitas uuring, et noorte patsientide seas, kellel tekkis vahetult pärast insulti kopsupõletik või mõni muu infektsioon, oli 5-aasta suremus suurem, kui neil, kellel infektsioone ei olnud. Miks see nii oli, pole täpselt teada. Põhjused võivad peituda pikemas haiglaravis ja taastusravi hilisemas alguses või infektsiooni põhjustatud põletikureaktsioonis, mis pärsib aju võimet taastuda.
Keskmiselt viis aastat pärast insulti oli noorte insuldipatsientide hinnang oma elukvaliteedile mittehaigestunutega võrreldes oluliselt halvem. Uuringust selgus, et halvaks hindasid oma elukvaliteeti need, kellel esinesid muu hulgas depressiooni tunnused või võimetus töötada täiskoormusega. Üllatuslikult oli aga neil patsientidel, kes olid suhteliselt hästi taastunud, oma hinnang elukvaliteedile tervetest inimestest isegi parem. Arvatavasti on see seotud üldise tänutundega, mis on tekkinud vaatamata võimalikele haiguse jääknähtudele.
Stroke often has a devastating impact at a younger age since people at that age usually have the highest burden of family and occupational responsibilities. Incidence of stroke has significantly increased in people under 55 years of age during the last two decades. This increase is mainly due to ischemic stroke, which is caused by impaired blood supply to the brain due to the occlusion of an artery. The increased incidence of cerebral infarction has been explained, among other possible causes, by the significant increase in the prevalence of risk factors – sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. A study performed on patients aged 18 to 54 years treated in North Estonia Medical Centre and Tartu University Hospital for ischemic stroke between 2003 and 2012 confirmed that traditional risk factors for stroke are common in young people. Approximately half of the patients had arterial hypertension or an elevated blood cholesterol level and around one-third were smokers. High blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias and other risk factors were more common in young Estonian stroke patients than in other European countries, and for these parameters, young Estonian patients were similar to stroke patients who were several decades older. The study also showed that young patients who developed pneumonia or other infections soon after stroke had a significantly higher five-year mortality rate. The reason for this is not fully known. Possible reasons could be prolonged hospital stay and delayed initiation of rehabilitation or an inflammatory reaction caused by infection which impairs the brain’s ability to recover. On average, five years after stroke, young stroke patients assessed their quality of life as significantly worse than those without stroke. The study showed that quality of life was assessed as low by patients who had, among others, symptoms and signs of depression or were unable to work full-time. Surprisingly, patients who recovered from stroke relatively well assessed their quality of life as even better than healthy people. This is likely associated with the general feeling of gratitude that has arisen in spite of possible residual signs of the disease.
Stroke often has a devastating impact at a younger age since people at that age usually have the highest burden of family and occupational responsibilities. Incidence of stroke has significantly increased in people under 55 years of age during the last two decades. This increase is mainly due to ischemic stroke, which is caused by impaired blood supply to the brain due to the occlusion of an artery. The increased incidence of cerebral infarction has been explained, among other possible causes, by the significant increase in the prevalence of risk factors – sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. A study performed on patients aged 18 to 54 years treated in North Estonia Medical Centre and Tartu University Hospital for ischemic stroke between 2003 and 2012 confirmed that traditional risk factors for stroke are common in young people. Approximately half of the patients had arterial hypertension or an elevated blood cholesterol level and around one-third were smokers. High blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias and other risk factors were more common in young Estonian stroke patients than in other European countries, and for these parameters, young Estonian patients were similar to stroke patients who were several decades older. The study also showed that young patients who developed pneumonia or other infections soon after stroke had a significantly higher five-year mortality rate. The reason for this is not fully known. Possible reasons could be prolonged hospital stay and delayed initiation of rehabilitation or an inflammatory reaction caused by infection which impairs the brain’s ability to recover. On average, five years after stroke, young stroke patients assessed their quality of life as significantly worse than those without stroke. The study showed that quality of life was assessed as low by patients who had, among others, symptoms and signs of depression or were unable to work full-time. Surprisingly, patients who recovered from stroke relatively well assessed their quality of life as even better than healthy people. This is likely associated with the general feeling of gratitude that has arisen in spite of possible residual signs of the disease.
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stroke, cerebral infarction, risk factors, etiology, mortality, quality of life, youth, middle aged, Estonia, beginning of the 21st century