Voxel-World – maailm kuubikutest
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Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös kirjeldatakse arvutimängu Voxel-World loomiseks kasutatud tehnoloogiaid ning erinevaid arvutigraafika võtteid nagu varju kaardistamine, võrestamine ja peegelduste renderdamine realistliku vee jaoks. Samuti kirjeldatakse teksti renderdamist OpenGL abil kasutades eelrasteriseeritud fonte.
This Bachelor’s thesis describes the technologies and different computer graphics methods used to implement Voxel-World computer game. Described methods include shadow mapping, meshing and reflections for realistic looking water. Also text rendering with OpenGL using previously rasterized fonts is described.
This Bachelor’s thesis describes the technologies and different computer graphics methods used to implement Voxel-World computer game. Described methods include shadow mapping, meshing and reflections for realistic looking water. Also text rendering with OpenGL using previously rasterized fonts is described.