Keha ja tarbijakultuur: kehakäsitlused noorte linnanaiste intervjuudes

dc.contributor.advisorKeller, Margit, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorLamp, Annikky
dc.descriptionThe aim of this BA thesis was to study the perception of body and its relation to consumer culture among young urban women in Estonia. Although the thesis relates to many other works that map different dimensions of consumer culture in Estonia – especially Margit Keller’s PhD thesis and Katrin Rahu’s MA thesis - it is the first to connect the subjects of body and consumer culture. The theoretical part gives an overview of the naturalistic and constructivist approaches to the body in current social theory. Consumer culture as a concept is defined and the relations between body and consumer culture are considered. The works of Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu, Jean Baudrillard, Mike Featherstone, Zygmunt Bauman, Chris Shilling and Michel Foucault form a significant part of the theoretical basis for the study, as does the research carried out at Tartu University. To tackle the research problem, qualitative approach of data collection and analysis was used. Ten semi-structured in-depth interviews with 18-29 year old women living in Tallinn and Tartu formed a basis for empirical analysis. Qualitative content analysis method, drawing mainly on Miles and Huberman, was applied to interpret the interviews. The study aimed to find answers to the following research questions: 1) What are the body-related practices, consumed goods and services and applied strategies of young urban women?; 2) What are the body-related values of young urban women?; 3) Which beliefs and conceptions manifest themselves through what and how young urban women say about their bodies?; 4) Based on the previous, what can be said about the relation of young urban women, their bodies and consumer culture? On the basis of the analysis it can be concluded that body maintenance forms an important part of the lives of young urban women and the scope of body-related practices is very wide. Those practices usually presuppose consumption and may be organized into purposeful and reflexive strategies. Certain care of one’s body is considered elementary; the content of this minimal norm is among other things dependent on the space, options, goals and roles of the person. “Beauty”, “youth” and “health” are important body-related values for the young urban women, but such notions like “harmony”, “balance” and “wholeness” are also given remarkable consideration. In sum, their views are characterized by certain ambiguity concerning which values are considered terminal and which are instrumental. The belief that one’s body can be changed and shaped and that it is one’s responsibility to do so, is widespread among young urban women. The body is often seen as capital that gives access to other types of capital. But the body can also be interpreted as something “given“ or “natural”, something that one must live with in peace and harmony. This BA thesis describes two ways of giving meaning to the body that exist among the interviewees: “body as a project“ and “natural body“. Those constructions are ideal types that in real life intertwine and form different combinations. Certainly these two types do not include all aspects of how young urban women perceive the body, but represent two clearest patterns of thought that emerged during this study. Both aforementioned ways of constructing the body have its own relation to consumption, based on their inner logic. Neither of them presumes nor excludes consumption, but both determine the reasoning behind consuming or not consuming. Though consumption and thinking about the body cannot be separated, protest against consumption and consumer culture exists. In conclusion it can be said that consumer culture theory can be fruitfully used to study the body and its meaning in contemporary Estonia. But to get an adequate picture of the research subject, other social groups ought to be studied and different theoretical approaches should be used.
dc.identifierLamp, Annikky (2005) Keha ja tarbijakultuur: kehakäsitlused noorte linnanaiste intervjuudes. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikool
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleKeha ja tarbijakultuur: kehakäsitlused noorte linnanaiste intervjuudes


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