Do Kuhnian revolutions suit biology?
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Tartu Ülikool
The aim of this thesis is to compare Kuhn's historiographical framework that he implemented
on the history of physics with the history of biology to discover if it is meaningful to discuss
biology from the perspective of a Kuhnian revolutionary historiography. Along with this
broader aim, there is a secondary and more concrete reason to investigate if there is any merit
in discussing Theodosius Dobzhansky's Genetics and the Origins of Species (1937) as a
revolutionary text in the sense that it is similar to works like Charles Lyell’s Principles of
Geology (1830), Isaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1867) and
Antoine Lavoisier’s Elementary Treatise of Chemistry (1789) which lay the foundations to
modern science in their respective fields. This inquiry will also address the status of Charles
Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859) as a revolutionary text as the significance of his
work has been the center of much hype and historically questionable claims. By the end of
this paper I wish to answer the question of whether a Kuhnian historiography is interesting to
implement to biology. Is it able to shed light to new inquiries and interesting nuances about
biology and does it help to clarify the still open question of a Darwinian revolution?
Kuhn, Thomas S., teadusfilosoofia, teadusajalugu, revolutsioonid, bioloogia, paradigmad