Robotiseeritud parkimissüsteemi simulatsioonide visualiseerimine
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Magistritöö „Robotiseeritud parkimissüsteemi simulatsioonide visualiseerimine“ eesmärgiks on identifitseerida parimad praktikad ja tehnoloogiad robotiseeritud parkimissüsteemi algoritmi efektiivsuse esitlemiseks potentsiaalsetele klientidele. Magistritöös leitud praktikaid ja tehnoloogiaid kasutades luuakse robotite tööd demonstreeriv veebirakendus. Töö lõpus hinnatakse rakenduse pakutavat kasutajakogemust ning vastavust seatud nõuetele.
The aim of the MA thesis "Visualization of simulations of a robot operated car park system" is to identify the best practices and technologies to present the effectiveness of robot operated car park system's underlying algorithm to potential customers. An application demonstrating the work of the robots is built using the identified technologies and best practices. The user experience of the application and the application's compliance to the requirements of the tool are validated in the thesis.
The aim of the MA thesis "Visualization of simulations of a robot operated car park system" is to identify the best practices and technologies to present the effectiveness of robot operated car park system's underlying algorithm to potential customers. An application demonstrating the work of the robots is built using the identified technologies and best practices. The user experience of the application and the application's compliance to the requirements of the tool are validated in the thesis.