Curator as an expert and mediator in the paradigm of the new museum: a comparative case study of the Baltic and Finnish national museums
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Doktoritöö keskmes on muuseumitöötaja, üldistatud ametinimetusega kuraator, kes ajalooliselt on täitnud kõiki muuseumi põhifunktsioone, milleks on säilitamine, uurimine ja kommunikatsioon. Nii nagu muuseum tervikuna, on ka kuraatori amet viimastel aastakümnetel läbi teinud muutusi – toimunud on nii spetsialiseerumist kui uute ülesannete lisandumist. Tänaseks maailma muuseumimaastikul valdavalt aset leidnud paradigmamuutus sai lääneriikides alguse 20. sajandi lõpukümnenditel uue museoloogia ideest. See kutsus üles vähendama muuseumide konservatiivsust ja elitaarsust ning tõstis esiplaanile avatud suhtlemise ühiskonnaga ja publiku erinevate vajaduste arvestamise. Erinevalt klassikalisest muuseumist ei keskendu uus muuseum oma kogudele, vaid sihtgrupiks olevatele kogukondadele.
Väitekiri käsitleb uue muuseumi paradigma omaksvõtu mõju kuraatori ametile Baltimaade ja Soome rahvusmuuseumide näitel. Rakendatud on etnograafilist meetodit, keskseks allikaks on aastatel 2016–2019 toimunud välitöödel tehtud intervjuud muuseumitöötajatega. Täpsemalt on uuritud, kuidas kommunikatsioonivaldkonna tähtsustamine on mõjutanud kuraatorite ülesandeid ja rollitaju ning milliseid järeldusi saab sellest muuseumipoliitika kujundamisel teha. Teema on avatud kuraatori kolme vastutusvaldkonna kaudu: 1) kuraator kui kogude hoidja, 2) kuraator kui teadur ja 3) kuraator kui muuseumi sisuliste teemade vahendaja ühiskonnale.
Uues muuseumis on esiplaanil atraktiivsed näitused ja teenused. Sotsiaalselt tundliku ja suhtleva muuseumi ideaalid on tänapäeval suuresti põimunud turumajanduse loogika järgimisega, vajadusega teenida omatulu. Seetõttu on suurendatud kommunikatsiooni (sh turundus- ja müügivaldkonna) osakaalu organisatsiooni struktuuris. Tulemuseks on suundumus, milles väheneb kuraatorite roll näituse- ja uurimisteemade kujundamisel ning suureneb kommunikatsioonispetsialistide otsustusvõim. Vähenenud on ka museaalide kasutamine nii näitustel kui teadustöös, kuigi kogusid tähtsustatakse avalikkusega suhtlemise aspektist. Samas suureneb kuraatorite töökoormus veebiandmebaaside täitmisel ning külastajate nõustamisel. Kuraatori kui sisulise eksperdi identiteet on muutuste tulemusel ebakindlaks muutunud, töömotivatsioon on vähenenud. Doktoritöö pakub poliitikakujundajatele soovitusi, kuidas kuraatorite potentsiaali teadlase ja teadmiste vahendajana paremini rakendada.
At the heart of the PhD dissertation is a curator – a museum professional, who has historically performed all the main functions of a museum: preservation, research and communication. Like the museum as a whole, the curatorial profession has undergone changes in recent decades – both specialization and the addition of new tasks have taken place. The paradigm shift began in Western countries in the late 1980s with the idea of a new museology. It called for a reduction in museums' conservatism and elitism, an emphasis on open communication with society, and the different needs of the public. Unlike the classical museum, the new museum does not focus on museum collections, but on the community for which the museum operates. The dissertation deals with the impact of the adoption of the new museum paradigm on the position of curator on the example of the national museums of the Baltic states and Finland. The central source of the ethnographic research are interviews conducted with museum staff in 2016–2019. In particular, it has been studied how the emphasis on the field of communication has influenced the tasks and role perceptions of curators and what conclusions can be drawn from this in shaping museum policy. The topic is investigated through the curator's three areas of responsibility: 1) as keeper of the collections, 2) as researcher, and 3) as mediator of the museum's substantive topics to society. Attractive exhibitions and services are highlighted in the new museum. Today, the ideals of a socially sensitive and communicative museum are largely intertwined with following the logic of a market economy, and with the need to earn one's own revenue. Therefore, the share of communication (incl. marketing and sales activities) in the organizational structure has been expanded. As a result of this shift, the role of curators in shaping exhibition and research topics decreases and the decision-making power of communication specialists increases. The use of museum collections in both exhibitions and research has decreased, although collections are given more importance in terms of open communication. Yet, the workload of curators in filling in online databases and communicating with visitors is increasing. As a result of the changes, the identity of the curator as a substantive expert has become uncertain, and work motivation has decreased. The dissertation offers policy makers a view on how to unlock the potential of curators as experts and mediators of knowledge.
At the heart of the PhD dissertation is a curator – a museum professional, who has historically performed all the main functions of a museum: preservation, research and communication. Like the museum as a whole, the curatorial profession has undergone changes in recent decades – both specialization and the addition of new tasks have taken place. The paradigm shift began in Western countries in the late 1980s with the idea of a new museology. It called for a reduction in museums' conservatism and elitism, an emphasis on open communication with society, and the different needs of the public. Unlike the classical museum, the new museum does not focus on museum collections, but on the community for which the museum operates. The dissertation deals with the impact of the adoption of the new museum paradigm on the position of curator on the example of the national museums of the Baltic states and Finland. The central source of the ethnographic research are interviews conducted with museum staff in 2016–2019. In particular, it has been studied how the emphasis on the field of communication has influenced the tasks and role perceptions of curators and what conclusions can be drawn from this in shaping museum policy. The topic is investigated through the curator's three areas of responsibility: 1) as keeper of the collections, 2) as researcher, and 3) as mediator of the museum's substantive topics to society. Attractive exhibitions and services are highlighted in the new museum. Today, the ideals of a socially sensitive and communicative museum are largely intertwined with following the logic of a market economy, and with the need to earn one's own revenue. Therefore, the share of communication (incl. marketing and sales activities) in the organizational structure has been expanded. As a result of this shift, the role of curators in shaping exhibition and research topics decreases and the decision-making power of communication specialists increases. The use of museum collections in both exhibitions and research has decreased, although collections are given more importance in terms of open communication. Yet, the workload of curators in filling in online databases and communicating with visitors is increasing. As a result of the changes, the identity of the curator as a substantive expert has become uncertain, and work motivation has decreased. The dissertation offers policy makers a view on how to unlock the potential of curators as experts and mediators of knowledge.
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museums, national museums, perspectives, curating, curators, employment relations, cultural policy, Baltic States, Finland, comparative research