VDE integreerimine F2F raamistikku
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See lõputöö kirjeldab sõpradevahelise arvutuste raamistikule (F2F framework ) uue laien-
duse lisamist, mis võimaldab virtuaalsete hajusate võrguühenduste (VDE ) loomist. F2F
raamistik on Tartu Ülikooli hajussüsteemide grupis arendatav tarkvara, mis võimaldab
luua privaatseid pilvelahendusi kasutades võrdõiguslike võrgusõlmede (P2P network )
võrgustikke. F2F kasutab oma võrgustike loomiseks olemasolevad sotsiaalvõrgustikke ja
sõnumivahetusprotokolle, mis võimaldavad sõlmedevahelist andmevahetust ja täiendavate
ühenduste loomist. Sellised ühendused ei ole veakindlad ja on kättesaadavad ainult läbi
F2F programmeerimisliidese. Siin kirjeldatav lahendus kasutab VDE tehnoloogiat, et
F2F võrgustikule hea jõudluse, veakindluse ja STP protokolli toega virtuaalne Ethernet
võrk lisada. Pakutav virtuaalne võrk on disainitud hõlpsalt F2F raamistikus kasutata-
vate virtualiseerimistehnoloogiatega integreeruma. Realisatsioon kombineerib Bologna
Ülikoolis arendatud vde2 projekti tarkvara, mitteblokeeruva sisend-väljundi mudeli ja
F2F raamistiku sõlmedevahelised ühendused. Lõpptulemusena on F2F raamistiku ka-
sutajatel võimalik üles seada täisfunktsionaalne virtuaalne Ethernet võrk, mille saab
liidestada erinevate virtuaalmasinatega.
In this thesis the Virtual Distributed Ethernet (VDE) extension is introduced for the Friend-to-Friend (F2F) framework. F2F is an existing framework for creating Peer-to- Peer (P2P) private computing clouds developed by the Distributed Systems group at University of Tartu. F2F works by bootstrapping a P2P network from the social networks or instant-messenger networks in order to configure direct connections between the joined peers. These connections are not fault tolerant and can be used only through the F2F API. The new VDE extension we discuss here builds a high performance Virtual Ethernet topology, which adds fault recovery features and Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). The extension is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing virtualization tools that are used in F2F cloud computing. The implementation combines tools from the vde2 project (developed at University of Bologna) with non-blocking input/output libraries and peer communication API provided by the F2F framework. The improved framework provides a fully functional Ethernet network between the F2F peers, which is essential for the F2F client applications running on QEMU virtualization platform.
In this thesis the Virtual Distributed Ethernet (VDE) extension is introduced for the Friend-to-Friend (F2F) framework. F2F is an existing framework for creating Peer-to- Peer (P2P) private computing clouds developed by the Distributed Systems group at University of Tartu. F2F works by bootstrapping a P2P network from the social networks or instant-messenger networks in order to configure direct connections between the joined peers. These connections are not fault tolerant and can be used only through the F2F API. The new VDE extension we discuss here builds a high performance Virtual Ethernet topology, which adds fault recovery features and Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). The extension is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing virtualization tools that are used in F2F cloud computing. The implementation combines tools from the vde2 project (developed at University of Bologna) with non-blocking input/output libraries and peer communication API provided by the F2F framework. The improved framework provides a fully functional Ethernet network between the F2F peers, which is essential for the F2F client applications running on QEMU virtualization platform.