Piecewise Polynomial Collocation for Volterra Integral Equations with Singularities
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Integraalvõrranditega võib kokku puutuda erinevatel teadusaladel: meditsiinis, bioloogias, majanduses, füüsikas. Siinkohal võib näitena nimetada selliseid valdkondi nagu rakkude uurimine, populatisoon, haiguste ja epideemiate levik, sumbuvad võnkumised, kiirguslevi.
Väitekirjas vaadeldakse Volterra teist tüüpi integraalvõrrandit, mille tuum võib lisaks diagonaalsele iseärasusele omada veel täiendavaid iseärasusi integreerimismuutuja lähenemisel integreerimislõigu vasakpoolsele otspunktile. Selliste võrrandite lahendi tuletised võivad üldjuhul tõkestamatult kasvada integreerimislõigu vasakpoolse otspunkti läheduses. Praktikas esinevad integraalvõrrandid lahendatakse reeglina ligikaudselt mingi numbrilise meetodiga, kuid iseäraste tuumadega võrrandid toovad endaga kaasa raskused kõrget järku täpsusega numbriliste meetodite konstrueerimisel.
Dissertatsioonis vaadeldakse selliste integraalvõrrandite ligikaudseks lahendamiseks meetodit, mis tugineb võrrandi teisendamisel kujule, mille lahendi tuletiste iseärasused on nõrgemad, kui lähtevõrrandi lahendi tuletiste iseärasused. Teisendatud võrrandi lahendamiseks kasutatakse kollokatsioonimeetodit ühtlasel või nõrgalt ebaühtlasel võrgul tükiti polünomiaalsete koordinaatfunktsioonide korral.
Väitekirjas on tõestatud vaadeldava meetodi koondumine ja tuletatud rida koonduvuskiiruse hinnanguid mitmesuguste varasemast üldisemate tuumade ja vabaliikme klasside jaoks erinevate silendavate muutujate vahetuste ja võrgu ebaühtlust kirjeldava parameetri väärtuste korral. Eraldi peatükk pühendatakse superkoondumise uurimisele. Teoreetiliste hinnangute täpsust kontrollitakse ulatuslike numbriliste eksperimentide läbiviimise teel. Testülesannete lahendamisel saadud arvulistest tulemustest järeldub, et töös saadud veahinnangud on järgu poolest mitteparandatavad.
Volterra integral equations arise naturally in many mathematical models of various engineering, medical, biological, financial and physical phenomena. In particular, they occur in areas such as study of cells, population dynamics, study of epidemics, viscoelasticity, damped vibrations and identification of memory kernels in heat conduction. The main objects of study in the present thesis are numerical methods for solving Volterra integral equations of the second kind with kernels which may have various diagonal and boundary singularities. In practice, integral equations are solved usually with some numerical method. If we allow weakly singular kernels then the derivatives of the resulting solutions may become unbounded at the initial point of the interval of integration. This complicates constructing high order numerical methods for solving such equations. We propose a class of methods where we first perform a change of variables in the integral equation so that the singularities of the derivatives of the exact solution will be milder or disappear and after that we solve the new transformed equation by the piecewise polynomial collocation method on a mildly graded or uniform grid. We prove the convergence of proposed algorithms and derive global convergence estimates for different smoothing transformations, new classes of kernels and forcing functions. Also a superconvergence phenomenon is studied. The obtained theoretical results are compared with various test problems and with many numerical experiments. The numerical results totally support the theoretical analysis.
Volterra integral equations arise naturally in many mathematical models of various engineering, medical, biological, financial and physical phenomena. In particular, they occur in areas such as study of cells, population dynamics, study of epidemics, viscoelasticity, damped vibrations and identification of memory kernels in heat conduction. The main objects of study in the present thesis are numerical methods for solving Volterra integral equations of the second kind with kernels which may have various diagonal and boundary singularities. In practice, integral equations are solved usually with some numerical method. If we allow weakly singular kernels then the derivatives of the resulting solutions may become unbounded at the initial point of the interval of integration. This complicates constructing high order numerical methods for solving such equations. We propose a class of methods where we first perform a change of variables in the integral equation so that the singularities of the derivatives of the exact solution will be milder or disappear and after that we solve the new transformed equation by the piecewise polynomial collocation method on a mildly graded or uniform grid. We prove the convergence of proposed algorithms and derive global convergence estimates for different smoothing transformations, new classes of kernels and forcing functions. Also a superconvergence phenomenon is studied. The obtained theoretical results are compared with various test problems and with many numerical experiments. The numerical results totally support the theoretical analysis.
doktoritööd, matemaatika, Volterra integraalvõrrand, polünomiaalne kollokatsioonimeetod