Multilingual practices in the early modern Academia Dorpatensis (1632–1710)
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Väitekirja teemaks on mitmekeelsuspraktikad kõigis varauusaegse Tartu ülikooli, nii selle Academia Gustaviana (1632–1656) kui ka Academia Gustavo-Carolina perioodi (1690–1710) säilinud tekstides. Antud töö keskne mõiste – „mitmekeelsuspraktikad“, st vähemalt kahe keele vahelduv kasutamine ühe ajaloolise teksti piires – on antud doktoritöös katusmõisteks, mis võimaldab ühte uurimusse koondada hulgaliselt eri pikkuse, liigi, eesmärgiga akadeemilisi tekste ning kasutada nende analüüsimiseks laialdast terminoloogiat.
Vajadus uurida mahukat varauusaegse Tartu ülikooli akadeemilist pärandit keelelistest aspektidest, on tingitud suuresti uurimislüngast, mis antud valdkonnas prevaleerib. Nimelt kaasaegsetes uurimustes ja akadeemiaga seotud dokumentides on 17. sajandi ülikooli keelekasutuse kohta informatsiooni väga vähe, mistõttu puudub tervikpilt sellest, milliseid keeli kasutati ülikoolisiseses ja -välises asjaajamises, akadeemia juhtimises ning ka õppetöö läbiviimises.
Selleks, et anda täpne ülevaade varauusaegse Tartu ülikooli tegelikust keelekasutusest, kaardistati keeleseis. Mahukas töö korpus sisaldab arvukalt eri liiki tekste, mis moodustavad kokku kuus temaatilist sisupeatükki ühes 28 erineva allrühmaga, millest igaühe kohta on tehtud deskriptiiv-kvalitatiivne statistiline analüüs.
Antud väitekirja peamiseks uurimisküsimuseks on akadeemia eri tegevussfääridest pärit tekstides esineva keelekasutuse varal kas ümber lükata või tõestada hüpotees, et 17. sajandi Academia Dorpatensis oli ladina keele keskne, nagu seni arvatud. Hüpoteesi tõestamiseks eeldati, et akadeemiast säilinud ükskeelsed tekstid on prevaleerivalt ladinakeelsed, ja kõigil juhtudel, mil ühe teksti piires kasutati koos vähemalt kahte eri keelt, on ladina keel alati domineerivaks ehk raamkeeles ning kõik ühes ladina keelega kasutatud rahvakeeled on sekundaar- ehk sissepõimitud keeled.
Uurimistööst johtus, et keelevahetus kui protsess ei olnud akadeemias ühesuunaline, mille resultaadina oleks loodud kõigepealt ladina ja rahvakeelte vahel mitmekeelseid tekste ning hiljem üksnes rahvakeelseid. Keelevalik ja -vahetus sõltus eeskätt tekstiliigist, -funktsioonist, -autorist, -adressaadist ja -meediumist (st kas oli tegemist käsikirjalise või trükitud tekstiga). Tulenevalt töö resultaatidest, ei saa väita, et varauusaegne Tartu akadeemia olnuks eranditult kõigis oma toimimisvaldkondades ladina keele keskne, nagu on seni eeldatud, vaid üheks kesksemaks keeleliseks praktikaks oli mitmekeelsus, mis avaldus ladina keele samaaegses kasutamises koos rahvakeeltega, harvem koos teiste õpetatud keeltega.
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the study of the academic text-units extant from the early modern Academia Dorpatensis within its both periods Academia Gustaviana (1632–1656) and Academia Gustavo-Carolina (1690–1710) from the aspects of multilingual practices. Multilingual practices is a phenomenon that is often defined as the “alternating use of at least two languages in historical writings”. It is a characteristic which enables to consider a number of different text types and topics within a single study under the same denominator. Both contemporary studies and the extant documents contain very little information about the linguistic performance of that period, therefore there is a lack of knowledge in which language exactly the Academy was governed and communicated in. In order to demonstrate the real linguistic situation of the Academy, all the extant material was collected, divided into 28 sub-groups, and a descriptive-qualitative statistical analysis followed. The main objective of the thesis was either to prove or disprove the general idea of the early modern Academia Dorpatensis being Latin-centered. Two premises were stated in order to prove the Hypothesis: first, that all monolingual texts were mainly in Latin, and in cases when at least two languages were used within a text-unit, Latin was supposed to be the frame language and all the other languages (vernaculars) to be the embedded languages. However, the analysis revealed that the development of the linguistic performance in the 17th century academic texts was not linear from the usage of Latin to multilingual texts, which then would finalize with a text-unit written exclusively in a vernacular. On the contrary, all these practices occur throughout the early modern Academia Dorpatensis, depending mostly on the text-type and its function, author, addressee as well as the medium (i.e. either printed or handwritten text). Based on the results of the thesis, the idea that the 17th century Academy was exclusively Latin-centered can be refuted, since one of the central practices used was multilingualism in which Latin was foremost used with some vernaculars and rarely with other learned languages.
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the study of the academic text-units extant from the early modern Academia Dorpatensis within its both periods Academia Gustaviana (1632–1656) and Academia Gustavo-Carolina (1690–1710) from the aspects of multilingual practices. Multilingual practices is a phenomenon that is often defined as the “alternating use of at least two languages in historical writings”. It is a characteristic which enables to consider a number of different text types and topics within a single study under the same denominator. Both contemporary studies and the extant documents contain very little information about the linguistic performance of that period, therefore there is a lack of knowledge in which language exactly the Academy was governed and communicated in. In order to demonstrate the real linguistic situation of the Academy, all the extant material was collected, divided into 28 sub-groups, and a descriptive-qualitative statistical analysis followed. The main objective of the thesis was either to prove or disprove the general idea of the early modern Academia Dorpatensis being Latin-centered. Two premises were stated in order to prove the Hypothesis: first, that all monolingual texts were mainly in Latin, and in cases when at least two languages were used within a text-unit, Latin was supposed to be the frame language and all the other languages (vernaculars) to be the embedded languages. However, the analysis revealed that the development of the linguistic performance in the 17th century academic texts was not linear from the usage of Latin to multilingual texts, which then would finalize with a text-unit written exclusively in a vernacular. On the contrary, all these practices occur throughout the early modern Academia Dorpatensis, depending mostly on the text-type and its function, author, addressee as well as the medium (i.e. either printed or handwritten text). Based on the results of the thesis, the idea that the 17th century Academy was exclusively Latin-centered can be refuted, since one of the central practices used was multilingualism in which Latin was foremost used with some vernaculars and rarely with other learned languages.
universities, history, early modern history, documentation, texts, written sources, language usage, language switch, multilingualism, Latin language, Modern Latin, 17th century, language history, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, classical philology