Proaktiivsete avalike teenuste arendamine Tartu linna teenusteportfelli näitel

dc.contributor.advisorToomas Saarsen
dc.contributor.authorPark, Liisi
dc.description.abstractTehnoloogia kiire areng on endaga kaasa toonud märkimisväärse hulga informatsiooni, milles inimesed peavad igapäevaselt orienteeruma. Üha keerulisemaks muutub õigel ajal õige informatsiooni leidmine. See probleem puudutab teravalt ka avalikku sektorit, sest avalike teenuste tarbimise eelduseks täna on, et kodanik teab, missuguseid teenuseid avalik sektor pakub ning oskab üles leida informatsiooni, kuidas neid saada. Ühe võimaliku lahendusena on välja pakutud avalikus sektoris proaktiivsete teenuste kasutuselevõtt. Proaktiivse teenuse puhul pööratakse teenuse pakkumise protsess ümber selliselt, et kodanik ei pea enam teenust taotlema, vaid omavalitsus pakub teenust sihtgrupile õigel ajal ja õiges kanalis, kasutades ära erinevates avalikes andmekogudes olemasolevat informatsiooni. Uurimuses vaadeldakse avaliku sektori, avaliku teenuse ja e-teenuse mõisteid, e-teenuse tehnoloogilise küpsuse tasemeid, proaktiivse teenuse mõistet ning Taivani ja Eesti riigi senist praktikat proaktiivsete teenuste arendamisel. Uurimuse praktilises osas otsitakse vastust küsimusele, missuguseid teenuseid on võimalik proaktiivsel viisil pakkuda. Tuginedes Tartu linna teenusteportfellile, uuritakse, kui suurt osa avalikke teenuseid üldse on võimalik proaktiivsel viisil pakkuda.
dc.description.abstractThe rapid development of technology has resulted in huge amounts of data in which people have to grasp on a daily basis. Finding the correct information at the right time is becoming more and more complicated. This is a serious challange also in the public sector because the precondition for using public services is that the citizen knows, which services are offered by the public sector and can find the information regarding how to receive the services.Implementation of proactive services has been offered as one of the possible solutions to this chllenge as in that case the process of offering the services would be reversed in such a way that the citizen does not have to apply for the service themselves any more and instead of that the public authority offers the services to the target group at the right time and via the right channel by using the existing information in different public databases.The research paper studies the concepts of the public sector, public service and e-government, the different stages of e-government development, the concept of a proactive service, and the practices of Taiwan and Estonia in the development of proactive services until now. One of the goals of the research paper is to find an answer to the question regarding which services could be offered proactively. Based on the service portfolio of the City of Tartu, it is studied what is the proportion of public services that could be offered in a proactive way.
dc.titleProaktiivsete avalike teenuste arendamine Tartu linna teenusteportfelli näitel
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Proactive Public Services Using the Service Portfolio of the City of Tartu as an Example


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