Väärtused ja normid hariduslikus telesaates "Perevisioon" individualiseerumisteooriate kontekstis
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Tartu Ülikool
My master thesis is titled “Values and Norms in Educational TV Broadcast “Perevisioon”
in the Context of Individualization Theory”. My study is actuated by the fact that family
socialization and parent-education are some of the main priorities of family politics in
Estonia. The study is therefore focused on how do the values and norms, propagated in
“Perevisioon”, correspond to the general tendencies outlined in individualization theory
and empirical studies on Estonian society. Using the context of larger theory helps to
analyze the justification of norms and values propagated in the broadcast.
My study is based on analysis of 11 series of “Perevisioon” and an expert interview with
the author of the broadcast – Piret Jõemägi. Qualitative content analysis combined with
some elements of Fairclough’s discourse analysis was the method used.
In the first chapter I give the overview of the basic theses of individualization theory,
concerning family life and values. The second chapter describes the same aspects in
Estonian society. My empirical analysis shows that problems sensed by the author of the
broadcast and the participants of the broadcast are analogous with problems described in
individualization theory. Overall, it can be said that norms and suggested ways to follow
the norms, brought out in the broadcast, are also mainly justified, except the ones which
regard traditional family- and role-models inside family as the only appropriate ones.
I find that it is the latter aspect where discussions over family socialization and parent-
education should take more contemporary standpoint and propagate more equal role-
models inside family and evaluate men also for fulfilling the role of father as a person
who can take care of children as well as women do. Media has here important role to
play, because it can influence the way people think about these issues.
H Social Sciences (General), magistritööd, üleminekuühiskond, Eesti, televisioon, telesaated, sotsiaalsed normid, väärtused (filos.), perekond, lapsed