Design principles of synthetic molecular receptors for anion-selective electrodes
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Ioonide määramiseks kasutatavaid portatiivseid sensorsüsteeme on laiatarbeliselt kättesaadavad vaid üksikud, näiteks Na+/K+ elektroodid, pH meetrid ja NO3- elektroodid. Anioonselektiivseid elektroodid on vajalikud meditsiinis, toiduainetööstuses, põllumajanduses. Nendes valdkondades on üheks huvipakkuvaks aineklassiks karboksüülhapete anioonid ehk karboksülaadid, mille selektiivseks määramiseks toimub arendustegevus elektrokeemiliste sensorite valmistamises. Selle uurimissuuna üheks strateegiaks on molekulaarretseptorite kasutamine ioonselektiivsetes elektroodides. Taoliste retseptorite arendamisega tegeleb just supramolekulaarkeemia ning ajapikku on loodud palju erinevaid retseptormolekulide valimeid. Kahjuks ei jõua sellised ained arendustegevuses kaugemale aineomaduste määramisest. Tulemusliku lõpuni arendatakse sensorsüsteemide prototüüpe üksikutel juhtudel. Käesoleva dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks on nimetatud kahe uurimisvaldkonna ühendamine ja uute anioonselektiivsete elektroodide arendamisel tekkivate väljakutsete uurimine. Sellega kaasnevad mitmed fundamentaalteaduslikud probleemid, mille lahendamiseks uuritakse töös mõjutegureid nagu seondumisvõime, lipofiilsus, kahefaasilised seondumiskeskkonnad jt.
Commercially available portative sensor systems for ion recognition are available for only a few select applications. Some examples include Na+/K+ electrodes, pH meters and NO3- electrodes. Anion-selective electrodes are required in several fields, such as medicine, food industry, agriculture etc. One desired class of analytes are ions of carboxylic acids, i.e., carboxylates. One strategy for the selective recognition of these anions is to use molecular receptors in ion-selective electrodes. In supramolecular chemistry, which deals with designing new receptor molecules, mountains of receptor candidates are available for this possible application. However, these compounds do not reach the electrochemical research field, where molecular receptors could be used as input for sensor prototypes. This dissertation aims to connect these two research fields and demonstrate the challenges of creating new ion-selective electrodes for carboxylate sensing. This process is accompanied by several scientific challenges at the fundamental level of supramolecular chemistry. To address these problems, influencing factors are explored, such as improving binding, lipophilicity, biphasic binding environments etc.
Commercially available portative sensor systems for ion recognition are available for only a few select applications. Some examples include Na+/K+ electrodes, pH meters and NO3- electrodes. Anion-selective electrodes are required in several fields, such as medicine, food industry, agriculture etc. One desired class of analytes are ions of carboxylic acids, i.e., carboxylates. One strategy for the selective recognition of these anions is to use molecular receptors in ion-selective electrodes. In supramolecular chemistry, which deals with designing new receptor molecules, mountains of receptor candidates are available for this possible application. However, these compounds do not reach the electrochemical research field, where molecular receptors could be used as input for sensor prototypes. This dissertation aims to connect these two research fields and demonstrate the challenges of creating new ion-selective electrodes for carboxylate sensing. This process is accompanied by several scientific challenges at the fundamental level of supramolecular chemistry. To address these problems, influencing factors are explored, such as improving binding, lipophilicity, biphasic binding environments etc.
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supramolecular chemistry, anions, receptors, chemical synthesis