Autonoomsed piirkonnad täisdemokraatliku ja hübriidrežiimi tingimustes: Hispaania Kuningriigis asuva Kataloonia ja Venemaa Föderatsioonis asuva Tatarstani näitel

dc.contributor.advisorTüür, Karmo, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorHalilov, Indrek
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutet
dc.description.abstractIn the 21st century, the definite quantity of autonomous regions is contested due to political ambiguity, but the general estimation is that there are under fifty. Autonomous regions with a limited range of legislative and executive power can be defined by several parameters. Primarily historical development, geographical position, ethnic homogeneity, subsidiarity principle and the future outlook of independence. Regarding autonomous regions, there are ones located, both in democratic countries (e.g. United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland), and in non-democratic countries (e.g. Iraq, China). The aim on this undergraduate thesis, is to analyse and to compare autonomous regions, located inside the territory of democratic vis-a-vis non-democratic countries. The thesis, will compare two variables; The Republic of Tatarstan, the federal subject of the Russian Federation and the autonomous entity of Catalan in the Kingdom of Spain. The research, will analyse the differences of regional autonomy, regarding its geographical and political position, either in a democratic or a non-democratic region. Secondly, it will analyse the interests of the central Governments, regarding their strategy on the enlargement or further restrictions, for the autonomous entity. Thirdly, it will study how the autonomous regions have used the power given to them, and what are there perspectives for the future. The thesis paper, will use both qualitative and quantitative research methods to analyse and compare the independent variables which affect the two autonomous regions. The hypothesis is – The preconditions and “true” reasons for an autonomous region to rise from the cradle are quite similar, but regarding further development of the regions, then the autonomous entities in democracies are more likely to gain more power and stability, than the ones in non-democracies. In the research, in order to compare the two autonomous regions, there is a need to analyse the following independent variables: the historical process of regional development, geographical position, population variance, economical power, foreign policy goals, stability of the central power, and the extent of sovereignty given. The research is divided into two parts. The first part will analyse the theoretical definition of an autonomous region. In the second part, the two autonomous regions will be compared, regarding their historical development, their current political and economical situation as well as their future perspectives. Finally, the paper will make assumptions, regarding the possibility of these autonomous regions of becoming independent countries as well as the scope of threats which could occur in the case of devolution.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikool
dc.subject.otherautonoomsed piirkonnadet
dc.subject.otherrahvuslik enesemääramineet
dc.titleAutonoomsed piirkonnad täisdemokraatliku ja hübriidrežiimi tingimustes: Hispaania Kuningriigis asuva Kataloonia ja Venemaa Föderatsioonis asuva Tatarstani näitelet
dc.title.alternativeCase study of autonomous regions based on Russian Federations federal subject of Republic of Tatarstan and the autonomous entity of Catalan in the Kingdom of Spainen


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