Turvaliste ühisarvutuste auditeerimine
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Turvalised ühisarvutused lubavad sõltumatutel osapooltel ühiseid andmeid analüüsida ilma sisendi privaatsust rikkumata. Andmete turvalisus tagatakse mõnes turvamudelis: passiivses mudelis saab vastane ainult vaadelda väärtuseid, mis talle nähtavaks tehakse, samal ajal kui aktiivses mudelis saab vastane aktiivselt arvutustesse sekkuda. Seega turvalisuse seisukohalt on aktiivne mudel eelistatum, ent sellega kaasneb märkimisväärne arvutuslik lisakulu.
See lõputöö pakub välja uue vahepealse turvamudeli, mis võtab aluseks passiivses mudelis turvalise süsteemi ning auditeerib selle arvutusi leidmaks aktiivseid ründeid. Sellel mudelil on samad turvagarantiid mis passiivsel mudelil, kuid lisaks üritatakse tuvastada aktiivseid ründeid nende vastu ilmutatult kaitstud olemata.
Auditeerimise võimaldamiseks kirjutavad süsteemid auditlogisid, mida saab uurida aktiivse kuritahtliku tegevuse tuvastamiseks. Töö käigus lisati auditlogimine Sharemindi, olemasolevale turvaliste ühisarvutuste platvormile, mis töötab passiivses mudelis. Lisaks loodi auditi tööriista prototüüp, mis võimaldab inimaudiitoritel, kellel on ainult pinnapealne tutvus ühisarvutustega, logisid uurida. Väljapakutud mudeli testimiseks loodi valimiste demorakendus Sharemindis ja analüüsiti võimalikke ründeid selle rakenduse vastu auditeeritavuse vaatepunktist.
Analüüs tuvastas, et kuna Sharemindi auditeerimise implementatsioonis vaadeldakse protokolle ilma kontekstita, siis on võimalik individuaalsete protokollide automaatne verifitseerimine ja arvutusliku pettuse tuvastamine, aga vastane saab läbi viia n-ö semantilist võltsimist. Auditlogid ei sisalda semantilist informatsiooni arvutuste kohta ja seda saab ära kasutada protkollide sisendite muutmiseks ning selle kaudu arvutuste tulemuste muutmiseks. Selgus vajadus semantilise informatsiooni kaasamiseks auditeerimise protsessi ning see seati tulevaseks uurimissuunaks.
Secure multiparty computations allow independent parties to collectively analyze data without compromising their input's privacy. This data secrecy is guaranteed in some security model: in the passive model an adversary can only look at data visible to it, while in the active model adversaries can actively interfere in the computations. So from a security standpoint the active model is preferable, but carries a significant overhead. This thesis proposes an intermediate model, which builds upon a system that is secure in the passive model, but audits the computations for active attacks. It carries the same guarantees provided by the passive model, while attempting to detect active attacks without being explicitly secure against them. To facilitate auditing, systems produce audit logs, which can be examined to detect active malicious behaviour. Audit logging was added to Sharemind, an existing secure multiparty computation platform that operates in the passive model, and a prototype audit tool was created to make inspecting the logs during the auditing process accessible to human auditors with only basic knowledge of secure multiparty computations. To test the viability of this model, an Internet voting demo application was created using this modified Sharemind and possible attacks against this application were analyzed from an auditability standpoint. The analysis unveiled that since the Sharemind audit logging implementation evaluates protocols without context, it is possible to automatically verify individual protocols and detect computational forgery, but the adversary can perform semantic forgery. The audit logs do not contain the semantics of the computation and this can be abused to modify inputs to protocols, effectively modifying the results. The need to include semantic information about the computation in the audit became apparent and is set as a goal for future work.
Secure multiparty computations allow independent parties to collectively analyze data without compromising their input's privacy. This data secrecy is guaranteed in some security model: in the passive model an adversary can only look at data visible to it, while in the active model adversaries can actively interfere in the computations. So from a security standpoint the active model is preferable, but carries a significant overhead. This thesis proposes an intermediate model, which builds upon a system that is secure in the passive model, but audits the computations for active attacks. It carries the same guarantees provided by the passive model, while attempting to detect active attacks without being explicitly secure against them. To facilitate auditing, systems produce audit logs, which can be examined to detect active malicious behaviour. Audit logging was added to Sharemind, an existing secure multiparty computation platform that operates in the passive model, and a prototype audit tool was created to make inspecting the logs during the auditing process accessible to human auditors with only basic knowledge of secure multiparty computations. To test the viability of this model, an Internet voting demo application was created using this modified Sharemind and possible attacks against this application were analyzed from an auditability standpoint. The analysis unveiled that since the Sharemind audit logging implementation evaluates protocols without context, it is possible to automatically verify individual protocols and detect computational forgery, but the adversary can perform semantic forgery. The audit logs do not contain the semantics of the computation and this can be abused to modify inputs to protocols, effectively modifying the results. The need to include semantic information about the computation in the audit became apparent and is set as a goal for future work.