Теоретические основы составления двуязычного словаря: на примере польского и эстонского языков
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Viimasel ajal on Eestis suurenenud vajadus tehniliste, ilukirjanduslike ja teaduslike poola-eesti ja eesti-poola tõlgete järele. Samas on suurenenud ka vajalikkus vastava poola-eesti ja eesti-poola teatmekirjanduse järele. Mitmeaastase tõlkekogemuse vältel puutus väitekirja autor tihtipeale kokku sellega, et olemasolevates poola ja eesti leksikograafilistes väljaannetes puudub vajalik sõnavara, ning seetõttu tuli abivahendina kasutada kolmandat keelt. Sel juhul aitavad keerulisest olukorrast välja tulla sõnaraamatud, kus lähte- või sihtkeeleks on muu keel (nt inglise või vene). Kuid, nagu teada, tõlkimine vahendava keele abil raskendab ja aeglustab tõlkeprotsessi ning – mis on kõige olulisem – langetab tõlkekvaliteeti.
Antud väitekirja autor keskendub kakskeelse sõnaraamatu koostamise teoreetiliste põhimõtete väljatöötamisele poola ja eesti keele näitel. Väitekirja eesmärkideks on:
1. anda ülevaade Eestis ilmunud kakskeelsete slaavi-eesti ja eesti-slaavi (sealh vene-eesti / eesti-vene, tšehhi-eesti, poola-eesti jt) leksikograafilistest väljaannetest; siinjuures vaadeldakse ka väljakujunenud traditsiooniga slaavi-soome leksikograafilisi väljaandeid (sõnastikud, vestmikud);
2. erinevate sõnaraamatute kirjeldamine lähtuvalt kasutaja eesmärkidest ja ülesannetest; kakskeelse sõnaraamatu eduka koostamisprotsessi ning kvaliteetse tulemuse jaoks vajalike parameetrite paikapanemine;
3. lekseemi foneetiliste ja graafiliste eripärade märkimise põhimõtete väljatöötamine tulevikus koostatavas poola-eesti sõnaraamatus;
4. grammatiliste parameetrite väljatöötamine substantiivi, adjektiivi ja verbi artikli jaoks võimalikus poola-eesti sõnaraamatus;
5. lekseemi semantiliste parameetrite väljatöötamine sõnaraamatu artiklis võimalikus poola-eesti sõnaraamatus.
Antud väitekirja raames käsitletakse küsimusi, mis on pühendatud kakskeelsetele sõnaraamatutele ja nende koostamise põhimõtetele. Töös käsitletakse potentsiaalse poola-eesti sõnaraamatu struktuuri, mõlema keele erinevustest tulenevaid koostamise iseärasusi; rõhutatakse sõnaraamatu poola- ja eestikeelse kasutaja eri vajadusi, keelelist tausta. Tuginedes teoreetiliste aspektide analüüsile pakub väitekirja autor välja ka praktilise lahenduse, nimelt koostab kolm näidisartiklit poola substantiivi, adjektiivi ja verbi näitel.
Recently, in Estonia, there has been an increase in the need for technical, literary, and scientific Polish–Estonian and Estonian–Polish translations. At the same time, the need for corresponding reference literature has also increased. Through translation experience acquired over a number of years, the author of this dissertation often encountered the fact that existing Polish and Estonian lexicographical publications lacked the necessary vocabulary and, therefore, one had to resort to using a third language. In this case, one can solve a difficult situation by using a dictionary the source or target language of which is another language (e.g., English or Russian). But, as you know, translating through an intermediate language complicates and slows down the translation process and, what is most important, decreases the quality of the translation. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. to provide an overview of bilingual Slavic–Estonian and Estonian–Slavic (incl. Russian–Estonian / Estonian–Russian / Czech–Estonian / Polish–Estonian, etc.) lexicographical publications that have been published in Estonia; additionally, Slavic–Finnish lexicographical publications (e.g., dictionaries, phrasebooks), which have a well-established tradition, are also explored; 2. description of various dictionaries in terms of the goals and tasks of the user; setting the necessary parameters for a successful process of compiling a bilingual dictionary and high-quality results thereof; 3. development of the principles of designating phonetic and graphic particularities of lexemes in the Polish–Estonian dictionary that is to be compiled in the future; 4. development of grammatical parameters of nouns, adjectives, and verbs for entries in the possible Polish–Estonian dictionary; 5. development of semantic parameters of lexemes for entries in the possible Polish–Estonian dictionary. Within its framework, the dissertation addresses questions devoted to bilingual dictionaries and principles of their compilation. The study deals with the structure of a potential Polish–Estonian dictionary and particularities of the compilation process arising from differences between the two languages; emphasises the various needs and linguistic background of Polish- and Estonian-speaking users of the dictionary. Based on the analysis of theoretical aspects, the author of the dissertation also offers a practical solution; namely, by compiling three illustrative entries on the example of the Polish substantive, adjective, and verb
Recently, in Estonia, there has been an increase in the need for technical, literary, and scientific Polish–Estonian and Estonian–Polish translations. At the same time, the need for corresponding reference literature has also increased. Through translation experience acquired over a number of years, the author of this dissertation often encountered the fact that existing Polish and Estonian lexicographical publications lacked the necessary vocabulary and, therefore, one had to resort to using a third language. In this case, one can solve a difficult situation by using a dictionary the source or target language of which is another language (e.g., English or Russian). But, as you know, translating through an intermediate language complicates and slows down the translation process and, what is most important, decreases the quality of the translation. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. to provide an overview of bilingual Slavic–Estonian and Estonian–Slavic (incl. Russian–Estonian / Estonian–Russian / Czech–Estonian / Polish–Estonian, etc.) lexicographical publications that have been published in Estonia; additionally, Slavic–Finnish lexicographical publications (e.g., dictionaries, phrasebooks), which have a well-established tradition, are also explored; 2. description of various dictionaries in terms of the goals and tasks of the user; setting the necessary parameters for a successful process of compiling a bilingual dictionary and high-quality results thereof; 3. development of the principles of designating phonetic and graphic particularities of lexemes in the Polish–Estonian dictionary that is to be compiled in the future; 4. development of grammatical parameters of nouns, adjectives, and verbs for entries in the possible Polish–Estonian dictionary; 5. development of semantic parameters of lexemes for entries in the possible Polish–Estonian dictionary. Within its framework, the dissertation addresses questions devoted to bilingual dictionaries and principles of their compilation. The study deals with the structure of a potential Polish–Estonian dictionary and particularities of the compilation process arising from differences between the two languages; emphasises the various needs and linguistic background of Polish- and Estonian-speaking users of the dictionary. Based on the analysis of theoretical aspects, the author of the dissertation also offers a practical solution; namely, by compiling three illustrative entries on the example of the Polish substantive, adjective, and verb
poola keel, eesti keel, sõnaraamatud, leksikograafia, Polish language, Estonian language, dictionaries, lexicography