Riik ja religioon nõukogudejärgses Eestis 1991–2008
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Uurimuse keskmeks on riigi ja religioossete institutsioonide vahelised suhted taasiseseisvunud Eesti Vabariigis. Riigi ja religioossete institutsioonide vahelised suhted Eesti Vabariigis ajavahemikul 1991 - 2008 on kujunenud mitmete tegurite koosmõjus ning nõukogudejärgse Eesti riikliku religioonipoliitika kujunemist võib iseloomustada liberaalselt pinnalt kujunenud situatsioonipoliitikana.
Taasiseseisvumise algusaastatel oli riiklikul tasandil oluline uusliberalistliku ideoloogia rakendamine ühiskondlike reformide läbiviimisel, minimeerides mh riiklikud piirangud usuliste ühenduste tegevusele. Need põhimõtted kinnistati ka 1993. aastal kehtima hakanud Kirikute ja koguduste seaduses, jäädes kehtima ka 2002 vastvõetud uues Kirikute ja koguduste seaduses. Olulisem erinevus kahe seaduse vahel seisnes usuliste ühenduste registreerimise siirdumist Siseministeeriumi usuasjade osakonna juurest kohtute registriosakondadesse Justiitsministeeriumi haldusalas.
Riigi ja religiooni institutsionaalne lahutatus ei ole praktikas välistanud riigi koostööd usuliste ühendustega ning Eestis on rakendatud Euroopa kontekstis levinud riigi ja religiooni partnerluse või koostöö mudelit. Erinevalt mitmetest teistest nõukogudejärgsetest riikidest ei ole Eestis rakendatud usuliste ühenduste diferentseeritud kohtlemist, vaid seaduse ees on kõik registreeritud põhikirjaga usulised ühendused võrdsed.
Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et riigi ja religiooni suhted on nõukogudejärgses Eestis kujunenud valdavalt konfrontatsioonivabalt. Usulistele ühendustele on tagatud tegutsemisvõimalused nii seadusandlikul tasandil kui praktikas. Nii nagu riigi ja religiooni vahelised suhted on Euroopas olnud teisenemises nii globaalselt, rahvusvahelistes suhetes kui sisepoliitiliselt, on ka Eestis religiooni roll ning selle mõistmine olnud käsitletud perioodil teisenev.
Asjaolu, et Eesti on sekulaarne ühiskond, kus ühelgi religioonil ega religiooni institutsioonil ei ole monopoolset asendit usuelus ning kus religioon ei ole ühiskonnas prioriteetne on peegeldunud ka riigi religiooni puudutavas poliitikas.
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the relations between State and religious institutions in the Republic of Estonia from 1991 to 2008. The main question of this study is: How did the State as an institution position itself in relations with religion and its institutional forms, and with religious associations as legal entities. The relations between governmental and religious institutions have been formed in the process of different factors. This positioning reflects the political processes that formed the legislative framework for religious associations in the context of freedom of religion or belief. The study is based on different archival materials, materials from news agencies and governmental institutions, legal acts, stenographic reports from Parliament sessions and other materials related or reflecting the relations between the State and religion. After reestablishing the independent Republic of Estonia in 1991 the Estonian society chose the path of radical social and economical reforms in the classical neo-liberal tradition. The idea that the market would regulate itself was introduced also in the field of religion. The liberal legal framework for religious associations was established in 1993 with the adoption of the Churches and Congregations Act. In 2002 a new Act was adopted but the general liberal framework remained unchanged. The study includes two case studies. The State’s approach to religious associations in Estonia has been pragmatic and situational throughout the years. The State has maintained a tolerant attitude toward different forms of religion and religious traditions. Estonia is secular society where no single religious institution has monopoly in Estonian religious life. In Estonia religion is considered to be part of the private sphere of life. This approach is reflected also in the governmental policy.
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the relations between State and religious institutions in the Republic of Estonia from 1991 to 2008. The main question of this study is: How did the State as an institution position itself in relations with religion and its institutional forms, and with religious associations as legal entities. The relations between governmental and religious institutions have been formed in the process of different factors. This positioning reflects the political processes that formed the legislative framework for religious associations in the context of freedom of religion or belief. The study is based on different archival materials, materials from news agencies and governmental institutions, legal acts, stenographic reports from Parliament sessions and other materials related or reflecting the relations between the State and religion. After reestablishing the independent Republic of Estonia in 1991 the Estonian society chose the path of radical social and economical reforms in the classical neo-liberal tradition. The idea that the market would regulate itself was introduced also in the field of religion. The liberal legal framework for religious associations was established in 1993 with the adoption of the Churches and Congregations Act. In 2002 a new Act was adopted but the general liberal framework remained unchanged. The study includes two case studies. The State’s approach to religious associations in Estonia has been pragmatic and situational throughout the years. The State has maintained a tolerant attitude toward different forms of religion and religious traditions. Estonia is secular society where no single religious institution has monopoly in Estonian religious life. In Estonia religion is considered to be part of the private sphere of life. This approach is reflected also in the governmental policy.
dissertatsioonid, Riik, religioon, sekularisatsioon, Eesti, 1991-2008, Estonica kogu, state, religion, secularization, Estonia