Using blogs to promote and predict reflection during teaching practice and induction year
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Refleksioonioskus on seotud õpetaja professionaalse arenguga ja seetõttu pööratakse Eesti õpetajakoolituses sellele tähelepanu. Õpetajakoolitus peaks pakkuma praktikantidele ja kutseaasta õpetajatele lisavõimalust refleksiooni toetamiseks läbi sotsiaalse interaktsiooni õpetajakoolituse praktika ja kutseaasta ajal. Ühe võimalusena saab refleksiooni toetada kasutades info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogilisi vahendeid, näiteks blogisid. Doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, kuidas blogisid kasutada refleksiooni toetamiseks õpetajakoolituse praktika ja kutseaasta ajal. Täpsemalt, kuidas erinevad osalejate ja nende blogimise karakteristikud on seotud refleksiooniga blogipostitustes. Andmed koguti küsimustike ja blogipostituste abil ning kollektiivsetest blogidest. Tulemused näitasid, et mitmed õppija, blogi grupi ja tuutori karakteristikud olid seotud refleksiooniga blogis. Kõige rohkem võib soodustada õppijate refleksiooni osalejate blogimise aktiivsus, sest aktiivne suhtlus võib pakkuda emotsionaalset tuge ja suunata õppijat sügavamalt reflekteerima. Samas sotsiaalne suhtlemine blogis võib pärssida õppija refleksiooni. Tähelepanu peaks pöörama õnnestumiste või ebaõnnestumiste analüüsimisele blogis. Kui õppijad kirjutasid blogis rohkem õnnestumistest, siis see soodustas refleksiooni. Tuutori kirjutised oma õnnestumistest ja kogemustest võivad aga mõjuda õppijate refleksioonile pärssivalt. Samas on oluline analüüsida ja õppida ka ebaõnnestunud kogemustest. Tulemused näitasid, et väiksem õppijate arv, tugevamad õppijate omavahelised sotsiaalsed suhted ja püstitatud ülesanded blogis võivad soodustada õppija refleksiooni. Oluline on arvestada ka kaaslaste ja tuutori eeskujuga refleksiooni toetamisel. Kollektiivses blogis osalejad võivad käituda sarnaselt teiste õppijatega, samas tuutor võib anda õppijatele eeskujulikke näiteid kirjalikust reflekteerimisest. Doktoritöö väärtus seisneb tulemuste olulisuses ja uudsuses, sest erinevate karakteristikute mõju õppija refleksioonile blogikeskkonnas on vähe uuritud. Blogi võib olla efektiivne vahend refleksiooni toetamiseks õpetajakoolituses. Esimest korda hinnati ka kasutatud refleksiooniküsimustike sobivust Eesti oludes. Doktoritöös tuuakse välja praktilised ja metoodilised soovitused, millega võiks õpetajakoolituses refleksiooni hindamisel ja toetamisel arvestada.
Reflection skills are related to the professional development of teachers, and therefore attention is being paid to it in Estonian teacher education. It is important to promote reflection through social interaction during teaching practice and the induction year. Reflection can be supported using information and communication technology tools, such as blogs. The aim of the dissertation was to find out how blogs could be used during the teaching practice and induction year to promote reflection; in more detail, how the different characteristics of the participants and the blogging are related to reflection in blog posts. The data were collected using questionnaires, from blog posts and collective blogs. The results of the study showed that different characteristics of learners, blog groups and tutors were related to reflection in the blogs. A high level of blogging activeness among the participants could be one of the most supportive factor of learner reflection. Therefore, active communication in a blog can provide emotional support and could lead the learner to write and reflect more deeply. However, social communication in a blog could inhibit learner reflection. Attention should be paid to analysing successes or failures in the blog. More written texts about successes by learners encouraged reflection, while written texts by tutors about successes and their own experiences could have an inhibitory effect on learner reflection. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to analyse and learn from unsuccessful experiences. In addition, the results showed that a small number of learners, strong social relationships between learners, and the use of tasks in a blog might promote learner reflection. It is also important to consider the examples provided by peers and tutors in supporting reflection. Participants in a collective blog can behave similarly to other learners and the tutor can give excellent examples of written reflection. The value of the dissertation lies in the importance and novelty of the results, as a blog can be an effective tool to support reflection in teacher education, but the impact of different characteristics on learner reflection in a blogging environment has been studied little. Furthermore, the suitability of the reflection scales used in the dissertation were checked for the first time in the Estonian context. The dissertation presents practical and methodological implications, which should be taken into account when assessing and supporting learner reflection in teacher education.
Reflection skills are related to the professional development of teachers, and therefore attention is being paid to it in Estonian teacher education. It is important to promote reflection through social interaction during teaching practice and the induction year. Reflection can be supported using information and communication technology tools, such as blogs. The aim of the dissertation was to find out how blogs could be used during the teaching practice and induction year to promote reflection; in more detail, how the different characteristics of the participants and the blogging are related to reflection in blog posts. The data were collected using questionnaires, from blog posts and collective blogs. The results of the study showed that different characteristics of learners, blog groups and tutors were related to reflection in the blogs. A high level of blogging activeness among the participants could be one of the most supportive factor of learner reflection. Therefore, active communication in a blog can provide emotional support and could lead the learner to write and reflect more deeply. However, social communication in a blog could inhibit learner reflection. Attention should be paid to analysing successes or failures in the blog. More written texts about successes by learners encouraged reflection, while written texts by tutors about successes and their own experiences could have an inhibitory effect on learner reflection. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to analyse and learn from unsuccessful experiences. In addition, the results showed that a small number of learners, strong social relationships between learners, and the use of tasks in a blog might promote learner reflection. It is also important to consider the examples provided by peers and tutors in supporting reflection. Participants in a collective blog can behave similarly to other learners and the tutor can give excellent examples of written reflection. The value of the dissertation lies in the importance and novelty of the results, as a blog can be an effective tool to support reflection in teacher education, but the impact of different characteristics on learner reflection in a blogging environment has been studied little. Furthermore, the suitability of the reflection scales used in the dissertation were checked for the first time in the Estonian context. The dissertation presents practical and methodological implications, which should be taken into account when assessing and supporting learner reflection in teacher education.
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teacher training, teaching practise, teachers, reflection, blogs, interaction (sociology), professional development, Estonia