The role of academic, social and professional integration in predicting student retention in higher education information technology studies
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Infotehnoloogia (IT) roll ühiskonnas on kasvanud ja üha enam vajatakse tööturul IT-oskustega kõrgharidusega töötajaid. Igal aastal alustavad üliõpilased kõrgkoolides IT õpinguid, kuid suur osa neist õpinguid ei lõpeta. Kõrgkoolis edasijõudmist mõjutavaid tegureid on palju ning käesolevas doktoritöös luuakse nendest süsteem. Üliõpilasi on erinevat tüüpi ja seetõttu eristatakse käesolevas doktoritöös ka üliõpilaste profiilid, et oleks võimalik erinevate profiilidega üliõpilastele pakkuda just neile sobivat toetust õpingutes edasijõudmiseks.
Tulemused näitavad, et õppekava valikul oli üliõpilaste jaoks kõige olulisem varasem IT-ga seotud kogemus, mis põhjustas huvi IT õppimise vastu. Töötamisega seotud aspektid (nt töövõimalused, palgad) olid üliõpilaste jaoks olulised nii õppekava valikul kui ka õpingute jätkamisel. Õpingute jätkamisel mängisid tähtsat rolli ka sotsiaalsed suhted kõrgkoolis.
Käesoleva doktoritöö aluseks on USA-s loodud mudel, mis näitab akadeemilise ja sotsiaalse integratsiooni rolli kõrgkoolis edasijõudmisel. Doktoritöö tulemuste põhjal täiendati mudelit professionaalse integratsiooni rolli lisamisega, et see sobiks paremini IT erialade jaoks. Koostati empiiriline mudel, mis näitab, et IT erialadel õpingutes edasijõudmisel on olulised nii akadeemiline, sotsiaalne kui ka professionaalne integratsioon. Eriti tugevalt tuli välja professionaalse integratsiooni roll, mis viitab, et IT üliõpilased tahavad õpingute käigus olla reaalselt seotud IT ettevõtetes tehtava tööga. Seega on üliõpilaste õpingutes edasijõudmise toetamisel oluline kõrgkoolide koostöö IT ettevõtetega nii õppekava arendamisel kui ka üliõpilastele praktiliste ülesannete andmisel. Üliõpilaste profiilide eristamisel leiti samuti, et osa üliõpilasi vajab õpingute jätkamiseks praktilist töökogemust IT valdkonnas. Lisaks eristati üliõpilaste profiilid, kes vajavad toetust keerulistes õppeainetes edasijõudmisel. Töö praktiline väärtus seisneb soovituste välja toomises, mis aitaksid tulevikus IT üliõpilasi toetada ja väljalangevust vähendada
The role of Information Technology (IT) has grown in the society and more IT workers with higher education degree are needed at the labour market. Every year a number of IT students start higher education studies, but many of them do not graduate. Various factors could have effect on students’ retention and in the current dissertation, a system of these factors was created. As IT students have different characteristics, students profiles were also distinguished in the dissertation to find what kind of support students with different profiles need to graduate the studies. The results showed that prior contact with learning IT had big effect on students while choosing to study IT in higher education level. IT work related factors (e.g., job opportunities, salaries) were important for both choosing to study IT and continuing IT studies. In addition, social integration became important during studies and it has effect on student retention. The basis of this dissertation was a model developed in USA that shows the role of academic and social integration in retention. Based on the results, the model was further developed by adding the role of professional integration. An empirical model was created that shows that academic, social and professional integration have effect on IT students retention. However, the role of professional integration was the biggest and it suggests that IT students want to be involved in doing the real work at IT companies. Therefore, higher education institutions should collaborate more with IT companies in developing the curricula and offering IT work related tasks to the students. Also, distinguishing IT students’ profiles showed that some students need work practice to continue the studies. In addition, some students need support to pass the courses that are difficult for them. The practical value of the dissertation is in providing suggestions of what can be done in the future to support IT students and reduce dropout rates.
The role of Information Technology (IT) has grown in the society and more IT workers with higher education degree are needed at the labour market. Every year a number of IT students start higher education studies, but many of them do not graduate. Various factors could have effect on students’ retention and in the current dissertation, a system of these factors was created. As IT students have different characteristics, students profiles were also distinguished in the dissertation to find what kind of support students with different profiles need to graduate the studies. The results showed that prior contact with learning IT had big effect on students while choosing to study IT in higher education level. IT work related factors (e.g., job opportunities, salaries) were important for both choosing to study IT and continuing IT studies. In addition, social integration became important during studies and it has effect on student retention. The basis of this dissertation was a model developed in USA that shows the role of academic and social integration in retention. Based on the results, the model was further developed by adding the role of professional integration. An empirical model was created that shows that academic, social and professional integration have effect on IT students retention. However, the role of professional integration was the biggest and it suggests that IT students want to be involved in doing the real work at IT companies. Therefore, higher education institutions should collaborate more with IT companies in developing the curricula and offering IT work related tasks to the students. Also, distinguishing IT students’ profiles showed that some students need work practice to continue the studies. In addition, some students need support to pass the courses that are difficult for them. The practical value of the dissertation is in providing suggestions of what can be done in the future to support IT students and reduce dropout rates.
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kõrgkoolid, tehnoloogiaõpetus, infotehnoloogia, õppimine, koolijõudlus, sotsiaalne integratsioon, erialane areng, enesetõhusus, institutions of higher education, technology education, information technology, learning, school performance, social integration, professional development, self-efficacy