Kas sõjasõna sünnib sõtta? Erialakeele tõhusus sõjandusterminoloogia näitel
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Sõjandus on üks väheseid valdkondi, kus mõistmisraskustel võib olla inimelude hind. Hea erialasuhtluse mõõdupuu on tõhusus. See tähendab, et sõnum jõuab adressaadini võimalikult kiiresti ja nõuab vastuvõtjalt võimalikult vähe pingutust. Väitekiri otsibki vastust küsimusele, milline on tõhus erialakeel.
Selleks et uurida terminite mõistmist ja kujundada omakeelset terminivara, on vaja teada saada, kuidas mõistavad termineid erialainimesed reaalsuslähedases suhtlussituatsioonis. Samuti on oluline teada, millistele kaalutlustele tuginevad erialainimeste terminieelistused, kuidas nad hindavad terminite arusaadavust ja millised on nende vaated oskuskeelele. Selgus, et ohvitseride jaoks on erialakeel eelkõige vahend, mis peab olema võimalikult tõhus. Arvatakse, et tõhususe tagavad ühtne terminikasutus ja mõistekäsitus, nende saavutamiseks on vaja kehtestada standard. Ometi on põhimõttelisi erimeelsusi selles, milline termin konkreetse mõiste tähistamiseks sobib. Püüdest võimalikult tõhusa suhtluse poole on ajendatud terminite varieerumine ja püüe eristada mõistenüansse. Väitekirja keskmes on uuring, mis põhineb kolmel lahingustsenaariumil. Uuringu eesmärk oli välja selgitada, millised tegurid mõistmist mõjutavad. Uuringus osales 164 Eesti kaitseväe maaväeohvitseri. Seitsmest uuritud terminiomadusest osutus mõistmise seisukohast olulisimaks kasutusaeg. Ootuspäraselt mõistetakse pikemalt käibel olnud termineid paremini kui uuemaid. Selgus, et nii sünonüümsete kui standardit mittejärgivate terminite kasutamine tekitab mõistmisraskust. See tulemus on kooskõlas ohvitseride arvamusega ja seab kahtluse alla tänapäeva terminiteooriates levinud seisukoha, mis pigem soosib varieerumist. Termini kujundlikkusel on kahetine mõju. Kuigi selgus, et kujundlik termin võib tekitada mõistmisraskusi, ilmnes ka, et see aitab luua mõistest ligikaudse arusaama ja viitab mõiste asukohale mõistesüsteemis. Mõistmisraskuste taga on sageli termini kujunemislugu, mõistemuutused ja teiste keelte mõju, ent segadust võib tekitada ka terminikorrastus. Keeleväliste tegurite analüüs näitas, et mõistmist mõjutavad väljaõppetaust ning teenistus- ja ametikoht. Mõistmist ei mõjuta auaste, teenistuse kestus, relvaliik ega eelmine teenistus- ja ametikoht. Huvitav on asjaolu, et kasutaja hinnang terminile ei mõjuta mõistmist. Isegi kui arvatakse, et termin raskendab mõistmist, ei mõjuta kuigivõrd arusaamist. Võib öelda, et mõistmist ei taga mitte standard, vaid pädevad, koostööle orienteeritud suhtlusosalised.
Väitekirja tulemused on rakendatavad nii sõjandusterminoloogia arendamisel kui mis tahes teiste terminiarendajate tegevuses ja keelekorralduses, samuti saavad nendega arvestada keeletoimetajad ja tõlkijad.
The military sphere is one of the few areas where the difficulties of understanding can cost human lives. In efficient specialised communication, the message must reach the addressee as quickly as possible and demand as little cognitive effort as possible to understand. This dissertation aims to ask what defines efficient specialised language. In order to study the understanding of terms and make appropriate decision in terminology planning, it is necessary to find out how the terms are understood by specialists in conditions imitating real-life situations. In addition, it is also important to understand the reasoning behind the choice of a term. The study has shown that for officers, specialised language is primarily a tool that must be as efficient as possible. The solution they propose is to avoid variation and increase uniform understanding by establishing a terminology standard. However, my experiments also show that there are many different interpretations of the conceptual fields and concept relationships, and term usage varies accordingly. Behind the variation is often a wish for more precise terms and an attempt to distinguish between closely related concepts. The research question of this dissertation was whether and to what extent officers differ in their understanding of military terms and what their decision is based on. Also, I aimed to find out factors that affect understanding. The main experiment of the study was based on three battle scenarios where 164 land force officers of the Estonian Defence Forces were asked to interpret commands that contained problematic terms. It turned out that military higher education is the prime supporting parameter in understanding. As expected, terms that have been used longer are better understood than the more recent ones. Synonyms, including the use of non-standard terms, could cause difficulties in understanding. These results are consistent with the opinion of the officers and call into question the prevailing view of contemporary terminology, which tends to embrace variability. The study revealed that non-figurative terms appeared to be more comprehensible than figurative ones. At the same time, figurativeness helps create a general understanding of the concept and refer to the approximate location of the concept in the conceptual system. Difficulties in understanding are also caused by the semantic shift and the influence of other languages, different educational background, as well as term changes introduced by terminology planning itself. It turned out that the understanding of terms is related to the relationship between the education and training of officers, as well as to their current structural unit and position. However, there is no relation between the comprehension of terms and the ranks, the length of service, the branch of the land forces, the previous structural unit and position. Unexpectedly, the link between the self-proclaimed difficulty of understanding and actual success in understanding was not confirmed. In summary, it can be said that understanding is not achieved by following the standard, but by competent, cooperative communication partners. The results of this dissertation cast light on how the mechanism of specialised language functions are applicable both in the development of terminology in the military and other fields. The findings also provide information for language planners, as well as for terminologists and editors.
The military sphere is one of the few areas where the difficulties of understanding can cost human lives. In efficient specialised communication, the message must reach the addressee as quickly as possible and demand as little cognitive effort as possible to understand. This dissertation aims to ask what defines efficient specialised language. In order to study the understanding of terms and make appropriate decision in terminology planning, it is necessary to find out how the terms are understood by specialists in conditions imitating real-life situations. In addition, it is also important to understand the reasoning behind the choice of a term. The study has shown that for officers, specialised language is primarily a tool that must be as efficient as possible. The solution they propose is to avoid variation and increase uniform understanding by establishing a terminology standard. However, my experiments also show that there are many different interpretations of the conceptual fields and concept relationships, and term usage varies accordingly. Behind the variation is often a wish for more precise terms and an attempt to distinguish between closely related concepts. The research question of this dissertation was whether and to what extent officers differ in their understanding of military terms and what their decision is based on. Also, I aimed to find out factors that affect understanding. The main experiment of the study was based on three battle scenarios where 164 land force officers of the Estonian Defence Forces were asked to interpret commands that contained problematic terms. It turned out that military higher education is the prime supporting parameter in understanding. As expected, terms that have been used longer are better understood than the more recent ones. Synonyms, including the use of non-standard terms, could cause difficulties in understanding. These results are consistent with the opinion of the officers and call into question the prevailing view of contemporary terminology, which tends to embrace variability. The study revealed that non-figurative terms appeared to be more comprehensible than figurative ones. At the same time, figurativeness helps create a general understanding of the concept and refer to the approximate location of the concept in the conceptual system. Difficulties in understanding are also caused by the semantic shift and the influence of other languages, different educational background, as well as term changes introduced by terminology planning itself. It turned out that the understanding of terms is related to the relationship between the education and training of officers, as well as to their current structural unit and position. However, there is no relation between the comprehension of terms and the ranks, the length of service, the branch of the land forces, the previous structural unit and position. Unexpectedly, the link between the self-proclaimed difficulty of understanding and actual success in understanding was not confirmed. In summary, it can be said that understanding is not achieved by following the standard, but by competent, cooperative communication partners. The results of this dissertation cast light on how the mechanism of specialised language functions are applicable both in the development of terminology in the military and other fields. The findings also provide information for language planners, as well as for terminologists and editors.
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military matters, concepts, words, terms (words), terminology, theories, special language, Estonian language, qualitative research methods