Эволюция эстетических взглядов В. Шаламова и русский литературный процесс 1950-х – 70-х годов
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Enamus kirjanik Varlam Šalamovi (1907–1982) teostest avaldati Nõukogude Liidus ainult pärast tema surma. Kirjaniku saatuse traagilisus, tema proosa ainulaadsus ja mastaap ei ole tänini tõsist tunnustust leidnud. Šalamovi loomingu ümber toimuvad diskussioonid on tunduval määral tingitud ühekülgsest arusaamast tema rollist kirjanduses. Tihtilugu räägitakse temast kui ainuüksi „Kolõma kroonikakirjutajast“, kes jäi oma ajastu kirjandus- ja kultuurielust eemale.
Käesoleva uurimuse kontseptsioon ja idee põhinevad Varlam Šalamovi kultuurilis-kirjanduslike vaadete käsitlemisel nõukogude kirjandus- ja kultuuriloo eriinevate perioodide kontekstis. Väitekirjas pöördutakse kirjaniku pärandi väheuuritud osa juurde: analüüsitakse kirjavahetust, päevikumärkmeid, mitteilukirjanduslike tekstide publikatsioone ja nende mustandeid.
Uurimuse raames võetakse teaduslikule kasutusele uued dokumendid V. Šalamovi ja tema abikaasa O. Nekljudova arhiividest ning ajakirja „Novõi mir“ arhiivist. Need dokumendid ei olnud varem avaldatud ja omavad suurt tähtsust Šalamovi vaadete ning loomingupärandi tõlgendamise vaatevinklist. Arhiividokumendid loovad samuti võimaluse täpsustada mõningaid biograafilisi süžeesid, eriti Šalamovi suhteid A. Solženisõniga. Šalamovi „uue proosa“ teooria tekkimise ja evolutsiooni ajaloolis-kultuuriline kontekst hõlmab peaaegu terve 20. sajandi: kirjaniku tulekust 1920. aastate Moskva kirjanduslikku, kultuurilisse ja poliitilisse ellu kuni hilise stagnatsiooniajani 1970. aastate lõpus. Iga ajalooline etapp oli kajastatud Šalamovi loomingus, nii iluskirjanduses kui ka teoreetilises töödes ning epistolaarses pärandis.
Väitekirjas üritasin selgitada Šalamovi kirjanduspärandi erisusi ajastu ajaloolis-kultuurilise konteksti kaudu, leida kirjaniku suhete allikad kirjandusringkonnaga, tema maailmavaate lätted. Tänapäevani tundmatute dokumentide avastamine arhiivides annab võimaluse täiendada ja mõnikord ka uut moodi avada Varlam Šalamovi isiku ja loomingu unikaalsust.
The main and most important works of Varlam Shalamov (1907–1982) were published in the Soviet Union only after his death. The tragedy of the fate of the writer, the scale and exclusivity of his prose have not yet received due recognition. The discussions that take place around the writer's work are largely caused by the one-sided understanding of his place in literature as the “chronicler of Kolyma”, standing aside from the literary and cultural life of the era The concept and the main idea of this work are to review Varlam Shalamov’s vision of literature and culture in the context of different periods of the history of Soviet literature and culture, as well as to turn to the insufficiently studied part of his texts, namely letters, diary entries, publications and drafts of non-fiction writings. The historical and cultural development context of Shalamov’s concept of the “new prose” covers almost the entire twentieth century - from the writer’s appearance in Moscow literary, cultural and political life of the 1920s, to the era of late stagnation of the late 70s. Each historical period was reflected in Shalamov’s works: both in fiction, and theoretical works, epistolary heritage. New documents from the archives of V. T. Shalamov, O. S. Neklyudova, and the “Novyi Mir” magazine were analyzed and published in the course of the research. These documents had not been previously published and are of great importance for the expansion of Shalamov’s views and creative heritage understanding, clarifying some biographical aspects, in particular, the relationship with A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Thus, in this work we made an attempt to interpret the literary heritage of Shalamov through the historical and cultural context of the era, to identify the origins of the writer's worldview, his relationship with the literary world. The discovery of documents hitherto unknown in the Shalamov’s archive and other archives complements, and sometimes reveals in a new way, the uniqueness of Varlam Shalamov’s personality and work.
The main and most important works of Varlam Shalamov (1907–1982) were published in the Soviet Union only after his death. The tragedy of the fate of the writer, the scale and exclusivity of his prose have not yet received due recognition. The discussions that take place around the writer's work are largely caused by the one-sided understanding of his place in literature as the “chronicler of Kolyma”, standing aside from the literary and cultural life of the era The concept and the main idea of this work are to review Varlam Shalamov’s vision of literature and culture in the context of different periods of the history of Soviet literature and culture, as well as to turn to the insufficiently studied part of his texts, namely letters, diary entries, publications and drafts of non-fiction writings. The historical and cultural development context of Shalamov’s concept of the “new prose” covers almost the entire twentieth century - from the writer’s appearance in Moscow literary, cultural and political life of the 1920s, to the era of late stagnation of the late 70s. Each historical period was reflected in Shalamov’s works: both in fiction, and theoretical works, epistolary heritage. New documents from the archives of V. T. Shalamov, O. S. Neklyudova, and the “Novyi Mir” magazine were analyzed and published in the course of the research. These documents had not been previously published and are of great importance for the expansion of Shalamov’s views and creative heritage understanding, clarifying some biographical aspects, in particular, the relationship with A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Thus, in this work we made an attempt to interpret the literary heritage of Shalamov through the historical and cultural context of the era, to identify the origins of the writer's worldview, his relationship with the literary world. The discovery of documents hitherto unknown in the Shalamov’s archive and other archives complements, and sometimes reveals in a new way, the uniqueness of Varlam Shalamov’s personality and work.
Russian, poetry, poets, history of literature, second half of the 20th century