Plant mycorrhizal type and status in the global flora
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Antud doktoritöö eesmärk on paremini mõista taimede kooselulisi suhteid mükoriisaseentega. Enamus maailma taimeliike kasvavad kasulikus kooselus mullas elavate seentega, mis asustavad taimede juuri ja moodustavad mükoriisat (juur-seen kooselusid). Taimerühmadel on mükoriisaseentega funktsionaalselt erinevad suhted, mida saab jagada mükoriisatüüpideks: ektomükoriisa (paljudel puudel, sh koos söödavate seentega), arbuskulaarne mükoriisa (enamusel rohttaimedel, sh toidutaimed), orhidoidne mükoriisa (käpalistel). Lisaks, mükoriisne kooselu võib esineda taimeliigil alati, mõnikord või mitte kunagi, mille järgi saab eristada taimede mükoriisset staatust. Mükoriisne kooselu on taimede kasvuks ja ökosüsteemide toimimiseks paratamatult vajalik, ometi on alla 5% maailma taimeliikidest teada mükoriisatüüp ja mükoriisne staatus. Doktoritöös leidsin, et üle maailma selgitab taimede mükoriisatüübi väljendumist peamiselt taime evolutsiooniline ajalugu ja mükoriisset staatust praegused keskkonnatingimused. Lõuna-Ameerika Andides leidsin, et taimede mükoriisatüübi ja mükoriisse staatuse jaotus kõrgusgradiendil erines põhjapoolkeral täheldatud mustritest, mis võib peegeldada piirkondade erinevaid ökoloogilisi tingimusi. Globaalselt leidsin, et varem uurimata taimeliikide mükoriisatüübi ja mükoriisse staatuse ennustamist parandab ennustusmudelites teave taimede evolutsioonilise ajaloo, kasvukeskkonna ja taimetunnuste kohta. Seente vaatenurgast lähtudes selgus, et alati mükoriisat moodustavad taimeliigid olid seenpartnerite osas vähem valivad kui need, mis mõnikord moodustavad mükoriisat. Järelikult on sellistel taimedel suurem võime seenpartnereid valida. Olemasolevaid andmeid kombineerides näitasin ka, et seenekoosluste elurikkus erineb taimekooslustes, mis erinevad mükoriisselt staatuselt. Kokkuvõtteks, taimede evolutsiooniline ajalugu ja ökoloogilised omadused aitavad ennustada ja tõlgendada mükoriisset kooselu ja see on ökosüsteemide majandamise ja kaitse aluseks.
Plants and fungi have been collaborating for millions of years through a partnership called mycorrhiza, a symbiotic relationship where both benefit. The symbiosis varies among plants, with different species forming functionally different associations with different fungi (plant mycorrhizal types); and varying in their reliance on these associations: always, sometimes or never (plant mycorrhizal status). Despite mycorrhizal symbiosis being critical for plant performance and ecosystem functioning, direct evidence about mycorrhizal type and status exists for <5% of world’s plants. In this thesis, I found that plant mycorrhizal type is largely influenced by evolutionary history (phylogeny), while plant mycorrhizal status is more affected by environmental conditions they occupy. Focusing on an unstudied region in the Andean Paramo, the distributions of plant mycorrhizal types and statuses with elevation contrasted with patterns in the northern hemisphere, perhaps reflecting the different elevational ranges or the specific ecological conditions. I found that prediction of mycorrhizal type and status for unstudied plant species can be improved by incorporating plant phylogeny, the environments they occur in, and other plant traits (e.g. morphology). My thesis also investigated mycorrhizal associations from a fungal perspective. I found that plants sometimes mycorrhizal are more selective in choosing fungal partners than those always mycorrhizal, suggesting they may better select fungi offering specific benefits. By reanalysing existing data, I also showed that plants with different functional characteristics, including plant mycorrhizal statuses, associate with fungal communities that differ in diversity. In conclusion, this thesis improves our understanding of plant-fungi interactions, highlighting the importance of evolutionary and ecological factors for predicting and interpreting mycorrhizal associations, with implications for ecosystem management and conservation.
Plants and fungi have been collaborating for millions of years through a partnership called mycorrhiza, a symbiotic relationship where both benefit. The symbiosis varies among plants, with different species forming functionally different associations with different fungi (plant mycorrhizal types); and varying in their reliance on these associations: always, sometimes or never (plant mycorrhizal status). Despite mycorrhizal symbiosis being critical for plant performance and ecosystem functioning, direct evidence about mycorrhizal type and status exists for <5% of world’s plants. In this thesis, I found that plant mycorrhizal type is largely influenced by evolutionary history (phylogeny), while plant mycorrhizal status is more affected by environmental conditions they occupy. Focusing on an unstudied region in the Andean Paramo, the distributions of plant mycorrhizal types and statuses with elevation contrasted with patterns in the northern hemisphere, perhaps reflecting the different elevational ranges or the specific ecological conditions. I found that prediction of mycorrhizal type and status for unstudied plant species can be improved by incorporating plant phylogeny, the environments they occur in, and other plant traits (e.g. morphology). My thesis also investigated mycorrhizal associations from a fungal perspective. I found that plants sometimes mycorrhizal are more selective in choosing fungal partners than those always mycorrhizal, suggesting they may better select fungi offering specific benefits. By reanalysing existing data, I also showed that plants with different functional characteristics, including plant mycorrhizal statuses, associate with fungal communities that differ in diversity. In conclusion, this thesis improves our understanding of plant-fungi interactions, highlighting the importance of evolutionary and ecological factors for predicting and interpreting mycorrhizal associations, with implications for ecosystem management and conservation.
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