Väärtushinnangud Eesti noorte moeblogijate seas

dc.contributor.advisorKalmus, Veronika, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorMets, Kadri
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.description.abstractKeywords: Consumer culture, Consumer society, Postmodernism, Consumerism, Lifestyles, Critical discourse analysis, Interpretative repertoires, Fashion, Values, Blogging, Youth in Estonia, Social behaviour Values among young fashion bloggers in Estonia The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze fashion blogs written by young Estonians and find out the most popular subjects and emerged values. The paper’s theoretical part draws on the works of Mike Featherstone, Don Slater, Howard Rheingold, Quentine Jones, Anita Blanchard and Ronald Inglehart. There are also used analyses and research papers conducted by the institute of journalism and communications at the University of Tartu. The theoretical and empirical basis of the paper formed a wide range of subjects that included notions like consumer culture, lifestyle and consumerism; virtual communities, blogs and the construction of identity; values and value dimensions; youth in Estonia, their values and practices of Internet usage. In purpose to answer to the research questions there were identified 5 most popular fashion blogs in Estonia that are written by young Estonian women in age 15-22. Methodologically there were combined content analysis with qualitative analysis, which used Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis in purpose to determine most important interpretative repertoires. Methodologically I used 200 blog posts for content analysis that were written between August 2010 and February 2011 depending on the writing frequency. For qualitative analysis I used 5 blog posts from each blog (25 blog posts in total) that in the basis of content analysis had received the highest number of comments. The study showed that fashion bloggers write the most on subjects related to fashion (incl outfit of the day, visiting fashion events and gathering inspiration related to fashion). Additionally in case of two central subjects the most popular posts were the ones where fashion subject appeared together with spending time with close people. The subjects like personal life and more precisely the subjects only about close people appeared the least. There were also few posts about visiting shops/ markets/fairs and carrying out the do-it-yourself projects. The subjects that got the most feedback were about some competition or giveaway that presume readers to post a comment. These posts were followed, with a certain space, by subjects related to today’s outfit or recent fashion shoot and then visiting different fashion events. In general the number of comments were directly connected with the subject’s frequency of occurrence. The values that appeared the most in the blog posts were aesthetic values. These values were mainly related to the interpretative repertoires about fashion and beauty. In addition, the fashion bloggers valued the difference from other people and emphasizing one’s individuality. The second interpretative repertoire arised such values as self-determination and ambitiousness, but also the importance of education, intelligence and wide reading. The third interpretative repertoire represented different hedonistic values such as pleasant and carefree life, new experiences, creativity and inspiration. Related to these values there was also arised the valuation of urban lifestyle. In general the picture of values of young fashion bloggers in Estonia is very similar to other young people in Estonia. However, fashion bloggers value more different aesthetic values and they also emphazise more individuality and receiving public recognition. Similarly to other young people in Estonia fashion bloggers have receded into the background values related to the openness of the world, nature and the relations with other people (friendship, love etc).en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleVäärtushinnangud Eesti noorte moeblogijate seaset


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