Efficient cryptographic protocols for secure and private remote databases
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Pilvearvutus on üks valdkondi, mida turuliidrid, nagu näiteks Apple, Google või Microsoft, tänapäeval märkimisväärselt edendavad ja reklaamivad. Kogu IT- tööstus on liikumas traditsioonilisest mudelist, kus asutused ja organisatsioonid haldavad oma andmebaase ise, mudelisse, kus andmebaaside hoidmine ning opereerimine on allhankega üle antud kolmandate osapoolte vastutusalasse. Kolmandatele osapooltele üleantud andmebaasid on eriti populaarsed mobiilsete seadmete, nagu nutitelefonid ja võrguarvutid, juures, mis ei suuda suuri andmehulki salvestada. Mitmed uued lahendused, nagu näiteks “tarkvara kui teenus”, võimaldavad ettevõtetel pakkuda kasulikku funktsionaalsust kaugsalvestatud andmetel. Selline “pilvine ilm” toob aga endaga kaasa ka palju uusi turva- ja privaatsusprobleeme kaugandmebaasidel. Käesolevas töös uuritakse põhiliselt krüptograafilistel protokollidel põhinevaid lahendusi nendele kaugandmebaaside turva- ja privaatsusprobleemidele. Klassikaliselt on krüptograafilisi protokolle kasutatud konfidentsiaalsus-, terviklus- ja autentsusomaduste saavutamiseks. Tänapäevased protokollid suudavad aga enamat, olles võimelised arvutitevahelise koostöö jaoks tagama palju erinevaid kasulikke omadusi. Käesolevas töös konstrueerime krüptograafilisi protokolle teatud ülesannete jaoks järgnevas kolmes stsenaariumis:
• Privaatsed andmebaasipäringud
• Allhankena hallatav andmebaas
• Peidetud andmebaasi muutmine
Nowadays, “Cloud computing” is being heavily promoted by market leaders such as Apple, Google and Microsoft. The industry has been moving from the traditional model where organizations and companies keep their own databases isolated to a model where database storage and operations are outsourced to third parties. Outsourcing storage becomes increasingly popular, especially for those mobile devices with low local storage such as smart mobile phones and netbooks. Many new concepts, e.g., “software as a service”, allow companies to provide useful functionality on remotely stored data. Subsequently, many new security and privacy issues of remote databases have arisen in such a “cloudy weather”. In this work, the author mainly investigates the cryptographic protocol based solutions to those security and privacy issues of remote databases. Historically, cryptographic protocols were used to achieve confidentiality, integrity and authenticity; however, modern complex cryptographic protocols go beyond those traditional goals, achieving a variety of other desired characteristics of computer-mediated collaboration. We design different cryptographic protocols for specific tasks in the following three aspects: .1 Private Database Queries .2 Outsourced Database .3 Oblivious Database Manipulation
Nowadays, “Cloud computing” is being heavily promoted by market leaders such as Apple, Google and Microsoft. The industry has been moving from the traditional model where organizations and companies keep their own databases isolated to a model where database storage and operations are outsourced to third parties. Outsourcing storage becomes increasingly popular, especially for those mobile devices with low local storage such as smart mobile phones and netbooks. Many new concepts, e.g., “software as a service”, allow companies to provide useful functionality on remotely stored data. Subsequently, many new security and privacy issues of remote databases have arisen in such a “cloudy weather”. In this work, the author mainly investigates the cryptographic protocol based solutions to those security and privacy issues of remote databases. Historically, cryptographic protocols were used to achieve confidentiality, integrity and authenticity; however, modern complex cryptographic protocols go beyond those traditional goals, achieving a variety of other desired characteristics of computer-mediated collaboration. We design different cryptographic protocols for specific tasks in the following three aspects: .1 Private Database Queries .2 Outsourced Database .3 Oblivious Database Manipulation
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pilvandmetöötlus, andmebaasisüsteemid, võrguprotokollid, krüptograafia