Brändimine Eesti ettevõtetes majandussurutise tingimustes reklaamiekspertide hinnangul

dc.contributor.advisorKeller, Margit, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorHunt, Hedi
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionThe aim of this study was to analyse how advertising experts assess the changes in branding in the current economic recession. In using the assessment of the advertising experts, it was important that they could analyse the general tendency of the market, without concentrating on any certain segment. There have yet to be any similar research done in Estonia and also there have not been any comprehensive studies available in studies abroad that emanate from the opinions of people who work in advertising agencies. Half of the volume of this thesis is dedicated to the theory, which compares the economical crises of Asia and Finland in the 1990’es to the current situation in Estonia. An overview is given about economical crises and branding. Also the general analysis of branding in the current crisis that started in 2008. The empirical part of the study consists of the conclusions of half-structured expert interviews conducted with nine advertising experts. The questions in the study were designed to analyse the current economic situation as well as to give the experts an opportunity to speculate about the future and to give organisations suggestions how to improve marketing communication during the recession. The most evident proved to be the advertising expert’s abilities to define changes in their work. Seven out of nine people pointed out that change in their daily work was evident because of the recession. Two of the most mentioned answers during the study were that people tend to focus on reduced prices in advertisements and also that customers of the advertising agencies are more price sensitive regarding projects. During the analysis of the study, it became clear that major advertising companies will continue with their current brand communication or increase its proportion. Regarding smaller companies, their situation will deteriorate and they may lose their current position in the market or in worst case scenario, disappear from the market all together. At the same time it was concluded that all parties in the advertising market are feeling insecure at the moment. The most popular suggestions, made by the experts, how to promote brands and better marketing communication during the recession, were to analyse the brand and continue communication even in the event that the situation of the company worsens. The main justification for these was that in doing so, consumers will not forget the company and that people wouldn’t gravitate away from the basic values of the brand. Regarding the changes in channels of marketing communication, an increase in the percentage of internet, television and public relation and a reduction of printed media was noted. It was based upon the theories of foreign countries, general noticeable tendencies in the market and also the relative cost of the fore mentioned channels. It was also found that it was not possible to analyse how much the changes in advertisement have happened as a result of the recession. The most important resources for an organization are most commonly considered money, motivation of leaders and the values of the organization. The most popular answer was in fact money, but it was always followed by a „but“. Money became vital only when it was combined with another resource, like skills or motivation of leaders. In terms, it can be concluded that regarding the success of organizations, it can only be achieved by the right combination of resources. The main general conclusions about this study would be that despite the uncertainty of the economic situation a calm and rational way of thinking should be preserved and each decision weighed thoroughly before any actions are made. Also a way to display unique qualities to consumers should be found and the core values of the brand should not be sacrificed by focusing on solely price promotions.en
dc.identifierHunt, Hedi (2009) Brändimine Eesti ettevõtetes majandussurutise tingimustes reklaamiekspertide hinnangul. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleBrändimine Eesti ettevõtetes majandussurutise tingimustes reklaamiekspertide hinnangulet


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