Sotsiaalse tunnetuse muutused Eesti siirdeühiskonna kontekstis
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Väitekiri käsitleb siiret Ida-Euroopa kontekstis kiireid poliitilisi ja majanduslikke ümberkorraldusi hõlmanud transitsiooni ja sellele järgnenud transformatsiooni tähenduses. Sotsiaalses tunnetuses avaldub siire konfliktina ühiskondlike nähtuste ühiseks mõtestamiseks kasutatavate nõukogudeaegsete ning läänelike väärtuste ja hoiakute vahel.
Analüüsisin sotsiaalse tunnetuse muutusi Eestis kolmes valdkonnas: poliitilised hoiakud, tööväärtused ja teaduskultuur.
Töö väärtuslikkus seisneb siirdekultuuri uurimises pikal ajavahemikul, aastail 1990–2011. Doktoritöö eripära on ka ainulaadsete longituudsete andmete kasutamine, mis võimaldas uurida väärtushinnangute kujunemist nn võitjate põlvkonnas samade üksikisikute tasandil.
Eestimaalaste seas valitsesid kogu siirdeaja jooksul toimetulekuväärtused eneseväljenduslike üle. Enim muutusid väärtushinnangud pärast 1990. aastate alguse radikaalseid reforme ja 2008. aasta ülemaailmset majanduskriisi. Nõukogude võimu all lühemalt elanud eestlaste toetus konkurentsiühiskonna väärtustele oli suurem kui eestivenelastel. Tänu eestlaste sümbolilistele ressurssidele oli toimetulek siirdega nende jaoks lihtsam kui eestivenelaste jaoks. Siirdeaja jooksul lähenesid mitmed eestlaste ja eestivenelaste väärtushinnangud. Tööväärtustest tähtsustati kogu siirdeaja jooksul kõige rohkem hea töötasu teenimise võimalusi, oluliseks peeti ka kindlat töökohta. Kogu siirdeaja jooksul väärtustasid naised sotsiaalseid tööväärtusi meestega võrreldes rohkem. Peale selle hakkasid naised siirdeajal meestega võrreldes kõrgemalt hindama tööd, kus avanesid nii enesetäiendamise kui ka oma võimete kasutamise võimalused. Muutusi heade teenimisvõimaluste ja kindla töökoha olemasolu väärtustamises ennustasid rahvus ning eri haridus- ja töö- ning elutee näitajad.
Eestimaalased hindasid teaduse ja tehnoloogia rolli ühiskonnas väga kõrgelt. Uutest tehnoloogiatest arusaamade kujunemine olenes inimeste erialastest teadmistest ja kokkupuudetest selle valdkonnaga.
The dissertation treats social change as the transition from Soviet state socialism to Western free-market democracy and subsequent social transformation. It is manifested in social cognition as a conflict between Soviet and Western values and attitudes. I analysed the changes in social cognition in Estonia in three fields: political attitudes, work values and scientific culture. The significance of the dissertation lies in the study of a transition culture in the long time frame from 1990 to 2011. The analysis of unique longitudinal data made it possible to study the formation of values in the “winners’ generation” at the individual level. Survival values outweighed self-expression values across all of the studied transformation periods. The largest shifts in values took place after radical reforms at the beginning of the 1990s and after the global economic crisis of 2008. The support for the values of a liberal society was stronger among ethnic Estonians, who experienced a weaker imprint of communism on their values, than among Estonian Russians, who were exposed to communism for a longer time. Coping with the transition was easier for ethnic Estonians than for Estonian Russians due to their symbolic resources. Several values of ethnic Estonians and Estonian Russians converged during the time studied. High income was the most highly evaluated work value, and job security was also extensively rated. Women systematically evaluated social work values higher than men did. Their increasing support for steady self-improvement and opportunities to use their abilities led to the deepening of gender differences in the course of the transition. Changes in the assessment of the opportunities to earn high incomes and to have job security were predicted by ethnicity and by several indices of educational, work and life paths. Estonians had high levels of technological optimism and belief in scientific progress. The development of representations of technological novelties was affected by the different levels of knowledge about and experiences in the field.
The dissertation treats social change as the transition from Soviet state socialism to Western free-market democracy and subsequent social transformation. It is manifested in social cognition as a conflict between Soviet and Western values and attitudes. I analysed the changes in social cognition in Estonia in three fields: political attitudes, work values and scientific culture. The significance of the dissertation lies in the study of a transition culture in the long time frame from 1990 to 2011. The analysis of unique longitudinal data made it possible to study the formation of values in the “winners’ generation” at the individual level. Survival values outweighed self-expression values across all of the studied transformation periods. The largest shifts in values took place after radical reforms at the beginning of the 1990s and after the global economic crisis of 2008. The support for the values of a liberal society was stronger among ethnic Estonians, who experienced a weaker imprint of communism on their values, than among Estonian Russians, who were exposed to communism for a longer time. Coping with the transition was easier for ethnic Estonians than for Estonian Russians due to their symbolic resources. Several values of ethnic Estonians and Estonian Russians converged during the time studied. High income was the most highly evaluated work value, and job security was also extensively rated. Women systematically evaluated social work values higher than men did. Their increasing support for steady self-improvement and opportunities to use their abilities led to the deepening of gender differences in the course of the transition. Changes in the assessment of the opportunities to earn high incomes and to have job security were predicted by ethnicity and by several indices of educational, work and life paths. Estonians had high levels of technological optimism and belief in scientific progress. The development of representations of technological novelties was affected by the different levels of knowledge about and experiences in the field.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
sotsiaalne taju, sotsiaalsed väärtused, hoiakud, väärtusorientatsioon, üleminekuühiskond, sotsiaalsed muutused, Eesti, social cognition, social values, attitudes, value orientation, transition society, social changes, Estonia