Effects of perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from physical education teachers on students’ psychological needs and health-related quality of life
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Uuringud on näidanud õpilaste tervisealases elukvaliteedis langustendentsi. Õpilaste tervisealane elukvaliteet on oluline kuna see hõlmab selliseid tervisega seotud aspekte nagu kehaline, sotsiaalne, emotsionaalne ja akadeemiline suutlikkus. Koolikeskkond, sealhulgas õpetaja käitumine, võib omada õpilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile olulist mõju. Tuginedes enesemääratlemise teooriale, võib õpetaja käitumist üldises plaanis jagada õpilasi kontrollivaks ja neile autonoomsuse toetust pakkuvaks, mis mõlemad võivad mõjutada õpilaste tervisealast elukvaliteeti.
Käesolev doktoritöö koosnes neljast uuringust. Esimeses uuringus töötati välja õpilaste tajutud kehalise kasvatuse õpetaja kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust hindav küsimustik.
Teise uuringu tulemustest selgus, et kehalise kasvatuse õpetaja autonoomsuse toetuse tajumine omab õpilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile positiivset mõju ainult läbi psühholoogiliste vajaduste rahuldamise. Lisaks näitasid tulemused, et kehalise kasvatuse õpetaja kontrolliva käitumise tajumisel on negatiivne mõju õpilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile ainult läbi õpilaste vajaduste frustratsiooni.
Kolmanda uuringu tulemustest selgus, et tajutud kehalise kasvatuse õpetaja kontrolliva käitumise ja õpilaste tervisealase elukvaliteedi vaheline kaudne negatiivne seos, vahendatuna läbi psühholoogiliste vajaduste frustratsiooni, ei erine oluliselt õpilastel, kes tajuvad õpetajapoolset autonoomsuse toetust kas madalalt, keskmiselt või kõrgelt. Selle tulemuse põhjal võib öelda, et õpetajapoolse autonoomsuse toetuse tajumine ei vähenda kontrolliva käitumise negatiivset mõju õpilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile.
Esimese kolme uuringu tulemused olid aluseks veebipõhise sekkumisprogrammi koostamisel. Neljanda uuringu tulemustest selgus, et veebipõhine sekkumisprogramm oli efektiivne suurendamaks õpilaste tajutud õpetajapoolset kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust, samuti õpilaste autonoomsuse, kompetentsuse ja seotuse vajaduse tajumist. Samuti oli sekkumine efektiivne vähendamaks õpilaste tajutud õpetajapoolset hirmutamist ja autonoomsuse vajaduse frustratsiooni.
Käesoleva uuringu tulemused näitasid, et kehalise kasvatuse õpetajatel on oluline pakkuda õpilastele kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust ja samuti on tähtis vähendada õpilaste suhtes kontrollivat käitumist.
Previous research has demonstrated a sharp decline in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among school students. Students’ HRQoL is important as it encompasses a wide set of health concerns such as physical, social, emotional, and academic functioning. The school environment, including teachers’ behaviour, is likely to be an important correlate of students’ HRQoL. Based on self-determination theory, students’ can perceive their teacher exhibiting autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviours, and both behaviours are related to students’ HRQoL. The current thesis consists of four studies. The first study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to assess the students’ perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour by the multi-dimensional scale. The results of the second study indicated that students’ perception of PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour is related to students’ HRQoL only via psychological need satisfaction. Also, students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour was found to be related to students’ HRQoL only through psychological need frustration. The results of the third study demonstrated that the effect of students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour on students’ HRQoL, mediated by need frustration, was not statistically different between students who perceived their PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour low, average or high. Specifically, higher levels of autonomy support did not attenuate the indirect effect of perceived controlling behaviour on HRQoL through need frustration. Based on the results of these three studies, a Web-Based Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program (WB-ASIP) was developed. The results of the fourth study indicated that WB-ASIP was effective to enhance students’ perceptions of their PE teachers’ cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy-supportive behaviour, and students’ need satisfaction for autonomy, competence and relatedness. Also, WB-ASIP was effective to decrease students’ perception of PE teachers’ intimidation and need frustration for autonomy. The current study encourages PE teachers to provide their students cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy support as well as to avoid controlling behaviour towards their students.
Previous research has demonstrated a sharp decline in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among school students. Students’ HRQoL is important as it encompasses a wide set of health concerns such as physical, social, emotional, and academic functioning. The school environment, including teachers’ behaviour, is likely to be an important correlate of students’ HRQoL. Based on self-determination theory, students’ can perceive their teacher exhibiting autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviours, and both behaviours are related to students’ HRQoL. The current thesis consists of four studies. The first study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to assess the students’ perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour by the multi-dimensional scale. The results of the second study indicated that students’ perception of PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour is related to students’ HRQoL only via psychological need satisfaction. Also, students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour was found to be related to students’ HRQoL only through psychological need frustration. The results of the third study demonstrated that the effect of students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour on students’ HRQoL, mediated by need frustration, was not statistically different between students who perceived their PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour low, average or high. Specifically, higher levels of autonomy support did not attenuate the indirect effect of perceived controlling behaviour on HRQoL through need frustration. Based on the results of these three studies, a Web-Based Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program (WB-ASIP) was developed. The results of the fourth study indicated that WB-ASIP was effective to enhance students’ perceptions of their PE teachers’ cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy-supportive behaviour, and students’ need satisfaction for autonomy, competence and relatedness. Also, WB-ASIP was effective to decrease students’ perception of PE teachers’ intimidation and need frustration for autonomy. The current study encourages PE teachers to provide their students cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy support as well as to avoid controlling behaviour towards their students.
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kehalise kasvatuse õpetajad, õpetaja-õpilase suhe, juhendamine, mõjud, õpilased, psühholoogilised vajadused, iseseisvus (psühh.), õpimotivatsioon, tervis, elukvaliteet