Loengut jälgiva üliõpilase tähelepanu muutumise analüüs ajuandmete abil
Töö eesmärk on uurida üliõpilaste tähelepanu muutumist loengus ja kas loengus küsimuste esitamine suurendab üliõpilaste tähelepanu. 16 tudengile näidati loenguvideot ning samal ajal mõõdeti ja salvestati mobiilse Emotiv EPOC EEG seadmega üliõpilaste ajulaineid. Tähelepanu muutumise (kõrgete ja madalate sageduste suhe) andmed varieerusid palju ja statistiliselt olulist tähelepanu tõusu küsimuste esitamise järel antud töö ei leia.
Aim of this work is to examine students' attention during lecture to identify if attention increases if questions are being asked during lecture. 16 students watched video lecture and at the same time their brain activity was measured with Emotiv EPOC EEG device. Change of attention in time (ratio of high/low frequency) varied a lot and no statistically significant attention increase due to question asking was found.
Aim of this work is to examine students' attention during lecture to identify if attention increases if questions are being asked during lecture. 16 students watched video lecture and at the same time their brain activity was measured with Emotiv EPOC EEG device. Change of attention in time (ratio of high/low frequency) varied a lot and no statistically significant attention increase due to question asking was found.