A Systematic Literature Review on Business Rule Modeling
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Tartu Ülikool
Business processes are constantly evolving and the ways in which
processes are managed are also evolving. To keep track of, modify, and manage
business processes, business owners are looking for ways to organize their
business processes in a way that they are easy to manage. Beyond that, there is also
the need to not just manage those processes but also to manage the rules upon
which those processes are executed. The business rules that govern an
organization's policies are, in most cases, written as documents within the
organization’s files. To make it easier to choose alternative languages to model
those rules that regulate business processes, this paper presents a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) on how business rules can be modeled. We looked at the
different notations that can be used to model business rules. We also looked at how
they can be incorporated within the business processes. We then provide a list of
tools that help to model, verify, and execute business process models enhanced
with business rules. To identify these characteristics, we conducted an SLR and
built a framework for classifying existing notations to model business rules.
Business rules, Notation, Declarative Models, Business process, SLR, Language, Tool Support