Natiivsete Android rakenduste migratsioon HTML5-ks

dc.contributor.advisorSrirama, Satish Narayanaet
dc.contributor.advisorFlores, Huberet
dc.contributor.authorPetshjonkin, Oleget
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika-informaatikateaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutet
dc.description.abstractTanapaeval on margata mobiilseadmete ning mobiilrakenduste turu kiiret kasvu. Mobiiltarkvara arenduse protsessi alustamisel tihti kerkib esimesena platvormi valiku kusimus, mis tavaliselt pohineb kasutajate noudluse statistikal. See omakorda tekitab piiranguid rakenduste kasutamisel. Teoreetiliselt antud probleemi lahenduseks sobiks tehnoloogia, mis voimaldab kirjutada mitmel platvormil funktsioneerivaid rakendusi. Selleks esineb mitmeid meetodeid, kuid igauhel on tosiseid puudujaake. Mobiilseadmetele moeldud Flash ei arendata enam Adobe poolt, puhas web'i rakendus vajab uhendust Internetiga ning seal ei ole voimalik kasutada natiivseid seadme omadusi. HTML5 on uus tehnoloogia, mis toetab mitmeplatvormilist lahenemist, vimaldab tootada vorguvaliselt ning kasutada seadme mitmeid natiivseid omadusi. Selle magistritoo eesmargiks on uurida voimalust konverteerida Android natiivset tarkvara HTML5-ks ning arendada rakenduse prototuupi, mis teeks antud operatsiooni voimalikuks. Kindlasti esineb teatud rakenduste hulk, mis kasutavad Android platvormi spetsii alisi omadusi, mis ei allu konverteerimiseks, kuna HTML5 neid ei toeta. Sellest lahtuvalt eimesena tuleks teha kindlaks, millised programmid sobivad konverteerimiseks. Jargmine samm oleks uurida vahendeid mida kasutada eesmargi saavutamiseks. Viimasena on konverteri prototuupi disain ja
dc.description.abstractMobile devices market as well as mobile application market is growing rapidly. When starting mobile application development, often the first question is which platform to choose? This consequently leads to limitations in software usage. Theoretically, this problem can be solved by cross-platform technology. There are several methods to "write once run anywhere" application; however there are several major drawbacks for each of them. Flash for mobile devices is no longer supported for Adobe, mobile website solution requires Internet connection and have no access to native mobile capabilities. HTML5 is a new technology that tries to solve cross platform in-compatibility, supports offline web-applications and allows using some native mobile features. Despite the fact it is still under development, the support of the browsers is really good even on mobile devices. As a result, HTML5 have a potential to become major tool for cross-platform development. The goal of this work is to investigate possibilities for converting Android native application to HTML5 and write prototype application which will do the conversion. Definitely there are applications that are using Android specific features which are not supported by HTML5, so the first step will be defining scope of application that can be converted. Next step will be investigation and choosing tools which can help to achieve the goal. The final step of this work will be designing and developing prototype which performs
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleNatiivsete Android rakenduste migratsioon HTML5-kset
dc.title.alternativeMigration of Native Android Applications to HTML5et


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