TÜ ajakirjanduse õppekavade analüüs Euroopa ajakirjandushariduse standarditest lähtuvalt
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Tartu Ülikool
The purpose of this BA thesis is to evaluate curricula of the Bachelor’s and MA
studies in the department of Journalism, University of Tartu. For this purpose two
methodological approaches were applied. First, original questionnaires were
composed in which academic staff of the department and undergraduate students were
asked to evaluate how the curricula of the department correspond to the standards set
by Tartu Declaration of EJTA (European Journalism Training Association). Second,
the results of the questionnaires carried out in the department were used, in which
students were examined of how the curriculum corresponds to their expectations.
According to the results of the original questionnaires, practically focussed subjects
were in a better accordance with the EJTA standards than the more theoretical
subjects. In general, the opinions of the academic staff and students differed to a
limited extent. However, the range of the students opinions was larger when
compared to the academic staff, which is most likely related to the differences of
students expectations towards every single subject.
It may also be concluded from the results that one of the strongest aspects of the
curriculum of the department is the a good prospect for students to learn gathering
information quickly by using correct approaches. In contrast, one of the major
weaknesses of the programme seems to be the lack of opportunities for students to
develop their own journalistic style, which in turn, is highly expected by potential
The results of the analyses of the questionnaires were ambiguous. In particular,
teaching style of lecturers and educational programme were evaluated by students as
the most strong parts of the education in one hand, but as most weak aspects of the department in the other hand. Lack of professional experience of students is a likely
reason of this ambiguity.
The author hopes that the results and conclusions of this thesis have a practical value
in improving educational programme of the department and thanks all persons who
contributed to this thesis.
H Social Sciences (General)