Tekstikorpusest kollokatsioonide tuvastaja
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Kollokatsioonideks nimetatakse sõnaühendeid, mis asuvad tekstis üksteise naabruses sagedamini, kui võiks oletada nende eraldi esinemise sageduste põhjal. Antud uurimuse eesmärgiks on luua programm, mis leiab etteantud sõna jaoks tekstikorpusest tema kõik kollokaadid.
Collocations are defined as two or more words that tend to appear in texts near each other more often than expected based on their marginal frequencies. The aim of this research is to create an application for finding all the collocates of a given word from a text corpus.
Collocations are defined as two or more words that tend to appear in texts near each other more often than expected based on their marginal frequencies. The aim of this research is to create an application for finding all the collocates of a given word from a text corpus.