Protseduuriline lõpmatu maastiku genereerimine
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Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös kirjeldatakse müraalgoritme nagu väärtusmüra, Perlini müra ja simpleksmüra ning nende praktilisi rakendusi pseudolõpmatu maastiku genereerimiseks. Töös kirjeldatav autori loodud maastiku genereerimise algoritm genereerib mitmekülgset maastikku, jagades maailma bioomide ehk makroökosüsteemide vahel ning seejärel kujundades neid erineva pinnase, maastiku kuju ning taimkattega. Algoritm on implementeeritud programmeerimiskeeles C# ja mängumootoriga Unity loodud rakendusena.
This Bachelor’s thesis describes several noise algorithms such as value noise, Perlin noise and simplex noise and their practical applications in generation of pseudo-infinite terrains. The described generation algorithm generates diverse landscape by dividing the world between different biomes and then shapes the terrain and determines the ground material and flora depending on the biome. The algorithm is available as an application written in C# using the Unity game engine.
This Bachelor’s thesis describes several noise algorithms such as value noise, Perlin noise and simplex noise and their practical applications in generation of pseudo-infinite terrains. The described generation algorithm generates diverse landscape by dividing the world between different biomes and then shapes the terrain and determines the ground material and flora depending on the biome. The algorithm is available as an application written in C# using the Unity game engine.