Comprehensive legal approach to cyber security
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Käesoleva väitekirja eesmärk on toetada ja arendada erinevate õigusvaldkondade ekspertide vahelist diskussiooni selgitamaks välja kui suures ulatuses on täna rahvusvahelises õiguses eksisteerivate normide ja nende kohaldamise praktika pinnalt võimalik toetada laiapõhjalise küberjulgeoleku sihte ja vajadusi. Töös selgitatakse laiapõhjalise küberjulgeoleku olemust ja elemente ning vajadust õiguse arendamiseks ja rakendamiseks senisest enam interdistsiplinaarsel viisil. Autor loob küberjulgeoleku tarvis kehtiva õiguse kvaliteedi ja kohaldamisulatuse hindamiseks kaks raamistikku. Esimesest, struktuursest raamistikut, nähtub kaasaegse küberjulgeoleku ulatus, erinevate ohtude õiguslik olemus ning neile kohalduvad õigusvaldkonnad ja –instituudid, aga ka võimalikud õigusloome ja –rakendamise tasandid ning seoses riigisisese ja rahvusvahelise õiguse ning vastutusalade vahel. Teisest, analüütilisest raamistikust, kujuneb arusaam küberjulgeoleku olulisematest õigusprobleemide sisust ja tänasest regulatsioonist, valitsevatest seisukohtadest ning suurematest erimeelsustest kehtiva õiguse tõlgendamisel ja rakendamisel ning nähtuvad autori ettepanekud edasiseks analüüsiks.
The aim of this dissertation is to support and enhance the discussion between legal experts in determining how international law can be developed and applied to correspond to the aims and needs for a comprehensive cyber security. The author explains the essence and elements of such approach and clarifies the emerging need for interdisciplinary legal analysis and interpretation. The author develops two frameworks for assessing the quality and applicability of the existing law. First, in the structural framework, the author construes the spectrum of cyber security from legal perspective, indicating the legal areas and concepts applicable to different types and stages of cyber incidents and pointing out potential levels and authorities involved in developing further legal remedies and responses. In the instrumental framework, the author discusses emerging cyber security legal issues from different expert and practice perspectives, thereby providing an overview of relevant legal instruments, governing expert views and open questions. The author offers a discussion basis for further analysis of cyber security “rules of behavior”.
The aim of this dissertation is to support and enhance the discussion between legal experts in determining how international law can be developed and applied to correspond to the aims and needs for a comprehensive cyber security. The author explains the essence and elements of such approach and clarifies the emerging need for interdisciplinary legal analysis and interpretation. The author develops two frameworks for assessing the quality and applicability of the existing law. First, in the structural framework, the author construes the spectrum of cyber security from legal perspective, indicating the legal areas and concepts applicable to different types and stages of cyber incidents and pointing out potential levels and authorities involved in developing further legal remedies and responses. In the instrumental framework, the author discusses emerging cyber security legal issues from different expert and practice perspectives, thereby providing an overview of relevant legal instruments, governing expert views and open questions. The author offers a discussion basis for further analysis of cyber security “rules of behavior”.
dissertatsioonid, küberturve, küberturve, rahvusvaheline õigus, küberturve, õigusnormid, õigusloome, seaduste tõlgendamine, international law, cyber security, legal norms, legislation