Kõrgharidusega noorte käsitlused toidu tarbimisest



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Tartu Ülikool



The purpose of the current BA thesis “Approaches to food consumption among young people with a higher education” was to examine what are the habits of Estonian young consumers when buying and consuming food in the context of consumer culture. Which are the criteria that the consumers base their choice in the grocery store and what is the relation between the young consumer and food in the contemporary society? In order to examine the current subject, a qualitative approach was used. Five (5) participant observations and ten (10) in-depth interviews with 21-26-year old youths living in Tartu and Tallinn were the basis for this empirical analysis. To interpret the mentioned observations and interviews, qualitative content analysis method was used. The results were analysed and the conclusions were made according to the five (5) research questions, which were the following: 1) According to which criteria the consumer makes the choice in the grocery store? Main concentration was on the following sub-categories: the quality, healthfulness, taste, price and brands of the products. 2) How is the environmental economics perceived in the context of food? Is environmental economical consumption one of the criterions when buying food? 3) Which products are preferred – domestic or foreign? 4) Which risks in connection to food are perceived? What meaning is given to their influence on the processes of buying and consuming food? 5) How do the media, friends, acquaintances, partner, lifestyle influence the consuming habits according to the interviewees themselves? On the basis of the current Bachelor Thesis, some patterns concerning buying food and consuming habits can be brought out. For example, it seems that based on the interviewees, choosing food is habitual and sensual action, that is that certain acting drifts that are already developed are followed. Environmental friendliness and risks are not important criteria when choosing food. When consuming food, the interviewees feel that they are influenced by the media, friends, lifestyle and partner.


H Social Sciences (General)
