Locus coeruleuse osalise ja ulatusliku denervatsiooni mõju kokaiini ja apomorfiini poolt indutseeritud rottide liikumisaktiivsusele


2012-03-15, 2012

Ajakirja pealkiri

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Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool
Tartu Ülikool


In the present study the effect of denervation of locus coeruleus (LC) upon cocaine and apomorphine induced locomotion and monoamine concentration in frontal cortex and hippocampus in rats were investigated. 72 male Wistar rats were divivded into three groups: 1) one third were injected with 50 mg/kg dose of neurotoxin DSP-4; 2) one third were injected with 10 mg/kg dose of DSP-4, to create respectively substantial and partial denervation of LC; 3) control group. In every group, one third of rats were injected with cocaine and one third with apomorphine to affect locomotion, and one third with distilled water. It was demonstrated that the substantial denervation (50 mg/kg DSP-4) of LC reduced cocaine-induced locomotion but did not have any effect on apomorphine-induced locomotion. Also, LC denervation affects at the most noradrenergic system, but has also noticeable effect on serotonergic and dopaminergic system. Keywords: cocaine, apomorphine, locomotion, Wistar rats, locus coeruleus, DSP-4, monoamines



kokaiin, apomorfiin, liikumine, aktiivsus, monoamiinid
