Postoperative antibacterial therapy in complicated appendicitis and appendectomy in pregnancy
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Enamikel juhtudel on pimesoolepõletik tüsistumata ja operatsioonijärgselt ei vaja patsiendid antibiootikume. Kolmandikul juhtudest on apenditsiit komplitseeritud ehk pimesoole seina terviklikkus on kadunud ning põletik on pimesoolest levinud edasi kõhuõõnde. Sellisel juhul vajavad patsiendid operatsioonijärgselt antibiootikume, et vältida tüsistuste tekkimist. Samas puudub üksmeel operatsioonijärgse antibakteriaalse ravi kestvuse osas. Lisaks eelnevale on erimeelsusi ka pimesoole ohutu eemaldamise osas rasedatel.
Käesoleva uurimistöö käigus viidi läbi juhuslikustatud kontrolluuring, millise käigus komplitseeritud apenditsiidiga patsiendid juhuvaliti saama tavapärast pikka või lühikest (24 tundi) operatsioonijärgset antibakteriaalset ravi. Uuringu tulemustest selgus, et lühikest antibakteriaalset ravi saanud patsiendid viibisid haiglas lühemat aega ning neil ei esinenud rohkem tüsistusi võrreldes tavapärast ravi saanud uuritavatega.
Lisaks vaatles käesolev uurimistöö lühikest suukaudset ja veenisisest antibakteriaalset ravi. Juhuslikustatud kontrolluuringu käigus juhuvaliti komplitseeritud apenditsiidiga patsiendid saama 24-tunni pikkust suukaudset või 24-tunni pikkust veenisisest antibakteriaalset ravi. Uuringu tulemustest selgus, et suukaudset ravi saanud uuritavatel ei esinenud rohkem tüsistusi kui veenisisest ravi saanud uuritavatel.
Lisaks, kasutades kõikide Eestis 2010-2020 rasedatel tehtud pimesoole operatsioonide andmeid, võrreldi avatud ja laparoskoopilise apendektoomia ravitulemusi. Uuringu tulemustest selgus, et laparoskoopiline apendektoomia oli seotud lühema operatsiooniaja ja lühema haiglas viibimisega. Raseduse katkemise või enneaegse sünnituse osas puudus avatud ja laparoskoopilise apendektoomia vahel erinevus.
Seega lõhkenud pimesoolega piisab vaid paarist tabletist operatsioonijärgselt ja rasedaid võib laparoskoopiliselt opereerida!
Usually patients do not need antibiotics following the removal of the appendix. About every third appendicitis is complicated – the wall of the appendix is disrupted. Such patients need antibiotics following surgery in order to prevent complications. However, there is no consensus on the length or need of antibacterial treatment following appendectomy in complicated cases. Also, it is not clear how an inflamed appendix should be removed when the patient is pregnant. In a randomized controlled trial patients were allocated to receive a short course or a longer course of antibiotics following the removal of a perforated appendix. The trial demonstrated that patients in the short group were discharged earlier and had similar rate of complications when compared to patients in the traditional group. This means that shorter courses on antibiotics offer the same treatment results but help to cut treatment costs. Also, in a randomized controlled trial patients were randomized to receive a short course of oral antibiotics or a short course of intravenous antibiotics following appendectomy in complicated appendicitis. The trial demonstrated that oral administration was no associated with worse treatment outcomes than intravenous administration of antibiotics. Finally, by using all the data of pregnant patients undergoing appendectomy in Estonia from 2010 to 2020, we compared outcomes in open and laparoscopic appendectomy. The study demonstrated that laparoscopic appendectomy was associated with a shorter operative time and shorter hospital length of stay when compared to open appendectomy. The rate of fetal loss or preterm delivery did not differ among the two groups. To sum up, it may be concluded that a few tablets of antibiotics after surgery in a burst appendicitis is all it takes. Also, pregnant patients may safely have their appendix removed laparoscopically.
Usually patients do not need antibiotics following the removal of the appendix. About every third appendicitis is complicated – the wall of the appendix is disrupted. Such patients need antibiotics following surgery in order to prevent complications. However, there is no consensus on the length or need of antibacterial treatment following appendectomy in complicated cases. Also, it is not clear how an inflamed appendix should be removed when the patient is pregnant. In a randomized controlled trial patients were allocated to receive a short course or a longer course of antibiotics following the removal of a perforated appendix. The trial demonstrated that patients in the short group were discharged earlier and had similar rate of complications when compared to patients in the traditional group. This means that shorter courses on antibiotics offer the same treatment results but help to cut treatment costs. Also, in a randomized controlled trial patients were randomized to receive a short course of oral antibiotics or a short course of intravenous antibiotics following appendectomy in complicated appendicitis. The trial demonstrated that oral administration was no associated with worse treatment outcomes than intravenous administration of antibiotics. Finally, by using all the data of pregnant patients undergoing appendectomy in Estonia from 2010 to 2020, we compared outcomes in open and laparoscopic appendectomy. The study demonstrated that laparoscopic appendectomy was associated with a shorter operative time and shorter hospital length of stay when compared to open appendectomy. The rate of fetal loss or preterm delivery did not differ among the two groups. To sum up, it may be concluded that a few tablets of antibiotics after surgery in a burst appendicitis is all it takes. Also, pregnant patients may safely have their appendix removed laparoscopically.
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