Factors Influencing the Perceived Relationship Satisfaction and its Relation to the Three Love Components of Sternberg’s Triangular Love Theory in Estonian Women and Men in Long-Term Heterosexual Relationships

dc.contributor.advisorAavik, Toivo, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorTammes, Kristina
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituutet
dc.description.abstractThis master's thesis investigated the connection between perceived relationship satisfaction and partner similarity, partner characteristics, and the factors influencing the levels of the three components of Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love—intimacy, passion, and commitment—in Estonian men and women in long-term heterosexual relationships. The study aimed to determine if a higher similarity between romantic partners correlates with greater relationship satisfaction. Partner similarity was assessed through characteristics such as perceived physical attractiveness, kindness, health, and resources of both oneself and one's partner, as well as differences in age and education. Additionally, the study aimed to identify predictors of higher levels of intimacy, passion, and commitment, which are pertinent to perceived relationship satisfaction. The sample comprised 151 participants: 22 (14.6%) males and 129 (85.4%) females, aged 19-80 years. Results showed that partner similarity did not significantly correlate with relationship satisfaction. However, mate physical attractiveness and kindness were significantly correlated with satisfaction, while differences in education negatively impacted satisfaction. Regression analyses indicated that higher levels of intimacy were predicted by mate kindness and relationship length; commitment was positively predicted by mate physical attractiveness, kindness, and relationship length; passion was positively influenced by mate physical attractiveness and kindness. Education difference negatively affected the levels of all three components of love.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaen
dc.subjectrelationship satisfactionen
dc.subjectSternberg’s Triangular Theory of Loveen
dc.subjectpartner similarityen
dc.subjectEstonian heterosexual couplesen
dc.subjectsuhtega rahuloluet
dc.subjectSternbergi kolmnurkne armastusteooriaet
dc.subjectpartnerite sarnasuset
dc.subjectheteroseksuaalsed eesti paaridet
dc.titleFactors Influencing the Perceived Relationship Satisfaction and its Relation to the Three Love Components of Sternberg’s Triangular Love Theory in Estonian Women and Men in Long-Term Heterosexual Relationshipsen
dc.title.alternativeTegurid, mis mõjutavad tajutud suhtega rahulolu ja selle seos Sternbergi kolmnurkse armastusteooria kolme armastuskomponendiga Eesti naiste ja meeste heteroseksuaalsetes püsisuheteset


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