Tarkvara Testide Haldamissüsteemi Hindamisraamistik
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Tarkvara testimine on korduvalt tõestanud oma olulisust tarkvara arenduse juures viimase
kümnendi jooksul. Tarkvara testimise tunnustuse kasvuga on esile kerkinud paljud
elektroonilised testide haldamissüsteemid (THS). Kuigi nende hindamiseks on mitmeid
võimalusi, pole me siiski leidnud selleks ühtselt aktsepteeritud meetodit.
Me usume, et see on probleem, mida tuleks uurida, sest THS hindamine on sageli
subjektiivne, sõltudes pigem hindaja arvamusest kui objektiivsest lähenemisest. Sama mure
on ka kvaliteedikontrolli meeskondade juhtidel, kui neil palutakse hinnata, kas THS, mida neil
kasutatakse, vastab ettevõtte vajadustele.
Mõistmaks THS hindamise olulisust, uurisime me testimisprotsesside alast kirjandust ning
analüüsisime hetkel olemasolevaid rakendusi. Seejärel kaardistasime tuvastatud
testimisprotsessid ning nende väljundid. Läbi viidud analüüsi tulemusena saadud andmete
põhjal koostasime veebiküsitluse ning saatsime Eesti IT-firmadele.
Uuringu tulemuste põhjal koostasime me THS hindamisraamistiku, mis aitab ettevõtetel
mõõta, kas ostetav THS on joondatud firma eesmärkidega, ning vähendab hinnangu andmisel
subjektiivsust. Meie raamistik võimaldab testimis- ning projektijuhtidel mõista, kas nende
ettevõttes kasutusel olev rakendus vastab firma ootustele. Veendumaks loodud
hindamisprotsessi kasutatavuses, viisime kvaliteedikontrolli spetsialistide seas läbi täiendava
uuringu, mis kinnitas meie ootusi.
Meie lõputöö edasi arendamiseks on mitmeid võimalusi. Raamistikust võib luua
veebirakenduse, et seda oleks kergem kasutada või laiemalt levitada. Samuti tuleks uurimust
laiendada, kaasates ning analüüsides teiste euroopa riikide IT-firmade THS nõudeid. Kindlasti
ei saa mainimata jätta, et THS nõudeid tuleks aja möödudes täiendada vastavalt uutele
trendidele kvaliteedikontrollis. Lõpetuseks me usume, et käesoleva lõputöö tulemus, THS
hindamisraamistik, on praktiline ning vajalik panus tarkvara kvaliteedikontrolli kogukonnale.
Software testing has proven its value for software development increasingly over the last decade. With the recognition of the benefits of software testing, several software test management tools (TMT) have emerged on the market. Although there exist different approaches, there is no method for a systematic TMT assessment. This is a problem because to our knowledge, evaluating TMT is rather a subjective task, heavily depending on the evaluators’ opinions rather than based on the objective approach. The same problem applies when test managers are asked to evaluate whether their currently used TMT meets the company’s expectations. In order to understand the importance and neccessity of TMT evaluation we perform a literature study on software testing processes and existing TMT market studies. Then we map together the identified test activities and test artifacts. The results help us formulate and design an online questionnaire and perform a TMT survey within the Estonian IT companies. Based on the survey results, a framework for evaluating TMT software is created. Such a framework could potentially help companies to measure the TMT suitability to company’s goals and to decrease subjectivity of the TMT assessment. The framework also provides test and project managers the understanding whether their current TMTs meet the company’s expectations. We validate the framework with a case study performed among Quality Assurance specialists to collect information on the framework usability. Possibilities for future work based on this thesis are numerous. The framework can be made into an application for ease of use and wider distribution. Expanding the research onto other European countries is another viable choice. Also expanding the TMT requirements based on new trends in testing can be taken into consideration. In conclusion, we believe this thesis contributes to the testing community with a practical TMT evaluation method.
Software testing has proven its value for software development increasingly over the last decade. With the recognition of the benefits of software testing, several software test management tools (TMT) have emerged on the market. Although there exist different approaches, there is no method for a systematic TMT assessment. This is a problem because to our knowledge, evaluating TMT is rather a subjective task, heavily depending on the evaluators’ opinions rather than based on the objective approach. The same problem applies when test managers are asked to evaluate whether their currently used TMT meets the company’s expectations. In order to understand the importance and neccessity of TMT evaluation we perform a literature study on software testing processes and existing TMT market studies. Then we map together the identified test activities and test artifacts. The results help us formulate and design an online questionnaire and perform a TMT survey within the Estonian IT companies. Based on the survey results, a framework for evaluating TMT software is created. Such a framework could potentially help companies to measure the TMT suitability to company’s goals and to decrease subjectivity of the TMT assessment. The framework also provides test and project managers the understanding whether their current TMTs meet the company’s expectations. We validate the framework with a case study performed among Quality Assurance specialists to collect information on the framework usability. Possibilities for future work based on this thesis are numerous. The framework can be made into an application for ease of use and wider distribution. Expanding the research onto other European countries is another viable choice. Also expanding the TMT requirements based on new trends in testing can be taken into consideration. In conclusion, we believe this thesis contributes to the testing community with a practical TMT evaluation method.