Inter-individual differences in vulnerability to depression: regional brain energy metabolism, serotonergic function and behaviour in animal models
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Käesolev doktoriväitekiri keskendub depressiooni funktsionaalse neuroanatoomia ja depressiivse käitumise uurimisele, kasutades meeleoluhäirete loomkatsemudeleid. Depressiooni põhjustavad nii korduvad stressirikkad elusündmused kui ka individuaalne soodumus ja eelkõige nende kahe teguri koosmõju. Depressioonisoodumust saab mudeldada selekteerides rotte afektiivse käitumise testide alusel või mõjustades pikaajaliselt nende ajus depressiooni tõenäolisi neuraalseid alusmehhanisme. Käesolevas väitekirjas käsitletakse nelja depressioonisoodumuse mudelit - osaline serotonergiline närvikahjustus, puudulik emahool vastsündinueas, vähene püsi-sotsiaalsus ja püsiv magusaeelistus. Keskkonnast tuleneva stressi mudeldamiseks kasutati kroonilist muutlikku stressi, mille depressiooni-põhjustav mõju rajaneb mitmete mõõdukalt ebameeldivate stiimulite korduval esitamisel, ja kroonilist sotsiaalset stressi, mis rajaneb looma korduval alistamisel agressiivse liigikaaslase poolt. Ajupiirkondade pikaajalise närviaktiivsuse määramiseks hinnati mitokondriaalse elektronide transpordi-ahela talitlust tsütokroom c oksüdaasi aktiivsuse histokeemilise mõõtmise kaudu. Kõik depressioonisoodumuse ja kroonilise stressi mudelid eraldiseisvaina põhjustasid mõnedes ajupiirkondades muutuse närviaktiivsuses, kuid eri mudelite piirkondlikud aktivatsioonimustrid ei kattunud. Kui kroonilist stressi rakendati depressioonisoodumusega loomadele, ilmnesid mudelitevahelised kokkulangevused närviaktiivsuses eesmises taalamuses, hippokampuse CA3 alas ja mediaalses mandelkehas, s.o. piirkondades, mis on kesksel kohal organismi stressivastuse, õppimise ja hirmuga seotud käitumiste kontrollis. Kui tsütokroom c oksüdaasi aktiivsuse andmeid erinevatest katsetest koos analüüsiti, ilmnes, et depresioonisoodumusega rottidel oli närvitegevus aktiivsem retro-spleniaalses ajukoores ja retikulaarses taalamuses, krooniline stress aga taandas selle aktiivsuse kontroll-loomadega samale tasemele. Funktsionaalse ühenduvuse analüüs näitas, et depressioonisoodumus ja krooniline stress nõrgendasid ajupiirkondadevahelist seotust haistesibulate, tsentraalse mandelkeha, terminaaljuti sängituumade, prefrontaalkoore ja vöökääruga seotud ajuringetes. Käesolev töö tõi välja mitmeid ajupiirkondi, mida tasuks üksikasjalikumalt edasi uurida, nagu näiteks võrgustik, mis hõlmab eesmist taalamust, retrospleniaalset ajukoort, eesmist vöökääru, hippokampust ja retikulaarset taalamust.
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the functional neuroanatomy and behaviour in animal models of affective disorders. Depression is caused by stressful life events, by inherent individual vulnerability, and most potently by a combination of these two factors. Vulnerability to depression can be modelled in rats by selection in behavioural tests for a trait related to low affect or by experimentally producing a neurobiological state that possibly serves as the substrate of depression. In this dissertation four vulnerability phenotypes were studied - partial serotonergic denervation, neonatal maternal separation, low expression of the sociability trait and sucrose preference trait. Environmental stress was induced by chronic variable stress that led to a depressive state by repeated administration of several mildly noxious stimuli to the animal, and chronic social stress, that is based on the repeated social defeat of the target animal by an aggressive congener. To detect cerebral regional long-term neural activation the function of mitochondrial electron transport chain was assessed via cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry. All the vulnerability phenotypes and chronic stress regimens caused a change in long-term neuronal activity on their own in specific brain regions, but there was no overlap between the regional activity patterns in different models. When chronic stressors were applied in combination with vulnerability factors, communalities between different models in energy metabolism were detected in anterior thalamus, hippocampal CA3 area and medial amygdala, areas crucially involved in stress response, fear and learning. When cytochrome oxidase activity data from all models were collapsed and analysed jointly, it was revealed that rats with the vulnerable phenotype had more active energy metabolism in retrosplenial cortex and reticular thalamus, and stress reversed this activation to control-like levels. Functional connectivity analysis revealed that vulnerability phenotypes and chronic stress decreased inter-regional connectivity in the brain circuits including olfactory bulbi, central amygdala, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, prefrontal and cingulate cortices. Thus this work has indicated several new anatomical targets for more detailed study, for example the highly interconnected nuclei of anterior thalamus, retrosplenial cortex, anterior cingulate, hippocampus and reticular thalamus.
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the functional neuroanatomy and behaviour in animal models of affective disorders. Depression is caused by stressful life events, by inherent individual vulnerability, and most potently by a combination of these two factors. Vulnerability to depression can be modelled in rats by selection in behavioural tests for a trait related to low affect or by experimentally producing a neurobiological state that possibly serves as the substrate of depression. In this dissertation four vulnerability phenotypes were studied - partial serotonergic denervation, neonatal maternal separation, low expression of the sociability trait and sucrose preference trait. Environmental stress was induced by chronic variable stress that led to a depressive state by repeated administration of several mildly noxious stimuli to the animal, and chronic social stress, that is based on the repeated social defeat of the target animal by an aggressive congener. To detect cerebral regional long-term neural activation the function of mitochondrial electron transport chain was assessed via cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry. All the vulnerability phenotypes and chronic stress regimens caused a change in long-term neuronal activity on their own in specific brain regions, but there was no overlap between the regional activity patterns in different models. When chronic stressors were applied in combination with vulnerability factors, communalities between different models in energy metabolism were detected in anterior thalamus, hippocampal CA3 area and medial amygdala, areas crucially involved in stress response, fear and learning. When cytochrome oxidase activity data from all models were collapsed and analysed jointly, it was revealed that rats with the vulnerable phenotype had more active energy metabolism in retrosplenial cortex and reticular thalamus, and stress reversed this activation to control-like levels. Functional connectivity analysis revealed that vulnerability phenotypes and chronic stress decreased inter-regional connectivity in the brain circuits including olfactory bulbi, central amygdala, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, prefrontal and cingulate cortices. Thus this work has indicated several new anatomical targets for more detailed study, for example the highly interconnected nuclei of anterior thalamus, retrosplenial cortex, anterior cingulate, hippocampus and reticular thalamus.
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loommudelid, depressioon, peaaju, energiavahetus, serotoniinergiline süsteem, käitumine, animal models, depression, brain, energy metabolism, serotonergic system, behaviour