Privaatsust säilitava küsitlussüsteemi analüüs ja disain
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Vajadus konfidentsiaalseid andmeid koguda ja analüüsida nõuab privaatsust säilitavate turvameetmete kasutusele võtmist. Käesolev magistritöö kirjeldab privaatsust säilitava, turvalisel ühisarvutusel põhineva küsitlussüsteemi prototüübi analüüsi ning disaini. Süsteemi äriprotsesside kirjeldamiseks on kasutatud tegevusskeeme, kasutuslugusid ning olekumasina skeemi. Lisaks kirjeldab töö süsteemi ülesehitust ning esitleb juurutusskeem. Prototüüp on realiseeritud töös kirjeldatud analüüsi põhjal ning süsteemi on lähitulevikus plaanis kasutada ka praktiliste küsitluste läbiviimiseks.
There are many topics that are needed to be analyzed and, at the same time, the answers of respondents can not be public. Collecting sensitive data requires applying privacy-preserving security measures. This master's thesis describes the design and business processes of the prototype of a secure survey system using secure multi-party computation. The business processes of the system are introduced using activity diagrams, the use cases and the state machine diagram. The design of the system is also described in this paper and is illustrated with a deployment model. Based on the analysis, the prototype has been implemented and the system will be used to conduct real surveys in the near future.
There are many topics that are needed to be analyzed and, at the same time, the answers of respondents can not be public. Collecting sensitive data requires applying privacy-preserving security measures. This master's thesis describes the design and business processes of the prototype of a secure survey system using secure multi-party computation. The business processes of the system are introduced using activity diagrams, the use cases and the state machine diagram. The design of the system is also described in this paper and is illustrated with a deployment model. Based on the analysis, the prototype has been implemented and the system will be used to conduct real surveys in the near future.