Stochastic chain-ladder methods in non-life insurance
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Kahjud toimuvad juhuslikel ajahetkedel ning kahjude suurused on samuti juhuslikud. Seetõttu ei ole tulevikus tekkivate kahjude arvu ning nende suuruseid võimalik täpselt prognoosida ning kindlustusfirmade ülesandeks on leida meetod, millega olemasolevat informatsiooni kasutades saaks tulevikus toimuvaid kahjusid võimalikult täpselt hinnata. Kõige levinum reservide hindamise meetod on deterministlik ahel-redel meetod. Ahel-redel meetod annab meile ainult punkthinnangu, mis ei ole kindlustusfirma jaoks piisavalt informatiivne ning seega on vaja käsitluse alla võtta stohhastilised meetodid, millega on võimalik leida ka reservi prognoosimisel tehtav viga. Hinnangu standardvea leidmiseks on võimalik kasutada mitmeid erinevaid meetodeid, üks võimalus on kasutada taasvalikumeetodeid. Käesoleva väitekirja eesmärk on anda ülevaade erinevatest (stohhastilistest) reservihindamise meetoditest, võrrelda meetodite omadusi ja käitumist ning leida kriteeriume, mis hõlbustaksid otsuste langetamist reaalsete reservihindamise ülesannete korral. Töö käsitleb reservide stohhastilist hindamist üldistatud lineaarsete mudelite ja bootstrap-meetodi kombineerimisel ning toob välja ja selgitab erinevaid võimalusi, millele bootstrap-meetodi kasutamisel võiks tähelepanu pöörata. Lisaks mudelite teoreetilisele püstitusele rakendatakse mudeleid ühe Eesti kindlustusfirma andmetele ja erinevaid meetodeid valideeritakse Schedule P andmebaasi erinevate kahjuliikide reservikolmnurkade peal. Väitekirja teine pool käsitleb ahel-redel meetodi rakendamist erinevatel andmete agregeerimise tasemetel, seejuures ka ahel-redel meetodi üldistust pideva ajaga juhule. Kuna kindlustusfirmalt ei saa eeldada andmete kogumist pidevas ajas, siis käesolevas töös on pidev ahel-redel meetod interpreteeritud ka diskreetse ajaga juhule. Eesmärk on uurida erinevate agregeerimistasemete mõju kogureservi hinnangule ning võrrelda klassikalise ahel-redel meetodi ja pideva ahel-redel meetodi hinnanguid. Analüüs näitab, et nii kvartaalsete, kuiste kui päevaste andmetega on tulemused täpsemad kui aastase agregeerimise korral, aga kvartaalsete andmete korral on tulemused oluliselt stabiilsemad kui suurema detailsusega lähenemiste korral.
The idea of insurance is that persons can share the risk that they are exposed to. Every insured person pays a premium for being covered by the insurer, and those who suffer an accident receive compensation. The problem with this idea is that the future is unknown and the insurer does not know how many risks lay ahead in the future. Therefore, accurate loss reserves are essential for insurers to maintain adequate capital, to efficiently price their insurance products and to be solvent at any time moment in the future. Loss reserving for non-life insurance is usually based on models with aggregate data in a run-off triangle. The most common such method is the chain-ladder method. However, stochastic models are needed in order to assess the variability of the claims reserve. In the first part of the dissertation we concentrate on the prediction error of the estimate and use bootstrapping in the claims reserving context. We discuss and implement different types of residuals and show that the choice of residuals and their adjustments have a significant effect on the prediction error. We also address the model validation problem to rank the competing stochastic reserving models. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to a continuous extension of the chain-ladder method. This method does not assume that the data is aggregated. We investigate the given method and interpret it also for the discrete framework. Furthermore, we investigate whether and how much the use of different aggregation levels of claim data can improve the reserving process with both the continuous and the classical chain-ladder method
The idea of insurance is that persons can share the risk that they are exposed to. Every insured person pays a premium for being covered by the insurer, and those who suffer an accident receive compensation. The problem with this idea is that the future is unknown and the insurer does not know how many risks lay ahead in the future. Therefore, accurate loss reserves are essential for insurers to maintain adequate capital, to efficiently price their insurance products and to be solvent at any time moment in the future. Loss reserving for non-life insurance is usually based on models with aggregate data in a run-off triangle. The most common such method is the chain-ladder method. However, stochastic models are needed in order to assess the variability of the claims reserve. In the first part of the dissertation we concentrate on the prediction error of the estimate and use bootstrapping in the claims reserving context. We discuss and implement different types of residuals and show that the choice of residuals and their adjustments have a significant effect on the prediction error. We also address the model validation problem to rank the competing stochastic reserving models. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to a continuous extension of the chain-ladder method. This method does not assume that the data is aggregated. We investigate the given method and interpret it also for the discrete framework. Furthermore, we investigate whether and how much the use of different aggregation levels of claim data can improve the reserving process with both the continuous and the classical chain-ladder method
kindlustusmatemaatika, kahjukindlustus, reservid, hindamine, bootstrap-meetod, veahinnang, actuarial mathematics, non-life insurance, reserves, assessment, bootstraping, error estimation