Uudispildi mitmekesisus Eesti päevalehtedes: Eesti uudised 2005. aasta septembris
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Tartu Ülikool
This thesis is titled "The Diversity in news in Estonian Daily Newspapers: Estonian News
in September, 2005." and its aim is to determine the degree of variety regarding Estonian
news being published in Estonian daily newspapers in Estonia in September, 2005.
In order to achieve that goal, the author of the thesis examined both internal and
economic news of newspapers Postimees and Eesti Päevaleht and the internal news of SL
Õhtuleht. The first part of the paper studied several aspects of variety, including the
sources used, the parts of Estonia receiving more coverage than others, and the extent to
which the daily papers published similar news. The second part took similar news under
closer scrutiny.
All in all there were 1594 pieces of writing in the sample.
This Bachelor’s thesis provided proof that there is a problem in Estonia of
borrowing news and writing news on the basis of press releases and news from news
agencies. It often happens that several newspapers publish similar news covering similar
events on the same day – this proves the use of press releases. It is common that the
Estonian Newspaper Association’s code of ethics, which among other things lists the
rules for referring to sources, is not adhered to, despite the fact that all three papers have
agreed to it. Hence one in every three news stories people read in an Estonian newspaper,
has already been published or was published the same day in a different Estonian
The source used in Postimees, Eesti Päevaleht and SL Õhtuleht is most often
male, has an Estonian name and high social status – either a (top) executive or a (top)
expert. Geographically, events taking place in Harjumaa, especially Tallinn, find more
coverage than those of any other county.