Algorithmic imaginaries of syrian refugees: exploring hierarchical data relations from the perspective of refugees
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Andmestumine omab üha suuremat mõju nii sotsiaalsete rühmade kui ka terve ühiskonna igapäevaelu eri tahkudele, tuues kaasa uusi võimalusi ja ohte. Andmete kogumise, säilitamise ja analüüsimise oskus võimaldab mõnedel rühmadel ja institutsioonidel pakkuda tõhusamaid teenuseid, kuid samuti annab neile võimu teha teiste inimeste kohta andmepõhiseid otsuseid. Ka põgenikud puutuvad riigipiiridel nii enne kui pärast piiriületust kokku paljude andmetoimingutega, kuid neil on väga vähe sõnaõigust selle üle, milliseid andmepõhiseid otsuseid nende eest ja nende kohta langetatakse. Doktoritöö „Süüria põgenike algoritmilised kujutluspildid: Hierarhiliste andmesuhete uurimine põgenike vaatenurgast“ eesmärk on kaardistada põgenike vaatenurki andmestumisele ja nende suhet selle eri tahkudega, pöörates erilist tähelepanu algoritmidele. Seejuures vaatleb väitekiri, millisena näevad põgenikud algoritmide võimalikku kasulikkust ja varjupoolt, keskendudes agentsusele, kontekstidele ja julgeolekustamisele. Selle eesmärgi täitmiseks tugineb doktoritöö Süüria põgenikega Eestis ja Türgis tehtud intervjuude ning Süüria põgenike sotsiaalmeedias jagatud lugude analüüsile. Kuigi algoritmidel on keeruline struktuur, mis tekitab küsimusi läbipaistvuse ja vastutuse kohta, suutsid põgenikud mõtiskleda algoritmide üle lähtuvalt kultuurilistest teguritest ja isiklikust rändekogemusest. Doktoritöö tulemustest nähtub, et põgenikele suunatud andmepõhistes lahendustes on oluline arvestada põgenike arusaamade, murede ja eelistustega, et tagada õiglane ja kaasav algoritmipõhine valitsemine.
Diverse aspects of life are becoming increasingly engaged with datafication creating both advantages and risks for society and social groups. The ability to collect, store, and analyze the data gives certain groups and institutions the power to provide more effective services and make decisions about other people. The thesis “Algorithmic Imaginaries of Syrian Refugees: Exploring Hierarchical Data Relations from the Perspective of Refugees” aims at exploring both the refugees’ perspectives and their relation to aspects of datafication with a specific focus on algorithms. While refugees are subject to many datafied practices at the borders, both before and after the crossings, they have very little say in the processes where data is used to make decisions for and about them. Using interviews conducted with Syrian refugees in Estonia and Turkey and the texts narrated by Syrian refugees on a social media initiative, the thesis provides an account of refugee perspectives regarding the datafication process and especially the algorithms, their potential benefits, and drawbacks by focusing on agency, contexts, and securitization. Although algorithms have complex structures that raise questions about transparency and accountability, the refugees were able to reflect on algorithms with an emphasis on cultural factors and personal trajectories. The thesis underlines the importance of including the perspectives of refugees, their concerns, and priorities in the datafied solutions aimed for refugees to ensure fair and inclusive algorithmic governance.
Diverse aspects of life are becoming increasingly engaged with datafication creating both advantages and risks for society and social groups. The ability to collect, store, and analyze the data gives certain groups and institutions the power to provide more effective services and make decisions about other people. The thesis “Algorithmic Imaginaries of Syrian Refugees: Exploring Hierarchical Data Relations from the Perspective of Refugees” aims at exploring both the refugees’ perspectives and their relation to aspects of datafication with a specific focus on algorithms. While refugees are subject to many datafied practices at the borders, both before and after the crossings, they have very little say in the processes where data is used to make decisions for and about them. Using interviews conducted with Syrian refugees in Estonia and Turkey and the texts narrated by Syrian refugees on a social media initiative, the thesis provides an account of refugee perspectives regarding the datafication process and especially the algorithms, their potential benefits, and drawbacks by focusing on agency, contexts, and securitization. Although algorithms have complex structures that raise questions about transparency and accountability, the refugees were able to reflect on algorithms with an emphasis on cultural factors and personal trajectories. The thesis underlines the importance of including the perspectives of refugees, their concerns, and priorities in the datafied solutions aimed for refugees to ensure fair and inclusive algorithmic governance.
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Syria, war refugees, refugees, digital information, data management, Estonia, Turkey