Sarnaste elementide tuvastamine veaparanduskoodide abil
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Sarnaste elementide tuvastamine suurest hulgast on probleem, mida esineb erinevates valdkondades. See töö konstrueerib ja analüüsib kahte algoritmi sisendhulgast sarnaste paaride leidmiseks. Näidatakse, et need algoritmid on sarnaste DNA järjestuste leidmiseks rakendatavad ja efektiivsed.
The detection of near-duplicate items from a large set is a problem faced in many fields. This paper constructs and analyses two algorithms for finding similar pairs from an input dataset. It shows that these algorithms are applicable and efficient in the domain of DNA sequences.
The detection of near-duplicate items from a large set is a problem faced in many fields. This paper constructs and analyses two algorithms for finding similar pairs from an input dataset. It shows that these algorithms are applicable and efficient in the domain of DNA sequences.