A study on the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on public programming in American museums
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Tartu Ülikool
The Black Lives Matter movement was a key event for bringing attention to the subject of anti-racism in all different spheres of American culture, including museums. This paper seeks to understand whether the movement has had long-term effects on the programming of three American museums, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Walker Art Center. By analysing the programs that each museum has conducted between 2019 and 2024, this study will determine if there has been a positive change towards including more anti-racist programming in museums. To give context to the analysis, the American museum system is discussed, as well as the history of Black Lives Matter, and the general state of decolonisation, participatory practices, and public programming in museums.
Ameerika Ühendriigid, muuseumid, Black Lives Matter