Osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam
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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) on haruldane geneetiline haigus, mida iseloomustab madal luude mass, sagedased luumurrud ja skeleti deformatsioonid. Haigus on tuntud ka kui "habraste luude haigus". Haiguse raskus varieerub kerge vormist kuni letaalseni. Lisaks luude haprusele ja deformatsioonidele võivad esineda sinised skleerad, lühike kasv, hammaste dentiini kahjustus ja kuulmislangus. Umbes 90% OI juhtudest tekib haigus kollageeni geenide mutatsioonist. OI patogenees ja geneetika ei ole aga siiski veel täielikult teada. Samuti pole leitud ka seoseid OI geneetiliste mutatsioonide ja haiguse raskusastme, soo või etniliste rühmadega.
Varem OI-d Vietnamis uuritud ei ole. Selle uurimuse eesmärgiks oli kirjeldada haiguse esinemist, kliinilised tunnused ning uurida kollageeni geenide mutatsioone Vietnami patsientidel.
Patsientide leidmiseks kontakteerusid uurijad kõigi haiglate, tervisekeskuste ja patsientide ühendustega. Uuringusse kaasati 146 OI patsienti 120-st perekonnast. Nendest 99-s peres ei olnud haigust varem esinenud ja 21 perekonnas oli OI teada. Kõikidel patsiendid olid skeleti deformatsioonid, 34 patsiendil oli luumurrud esinenud juba enne sündi. Kokku oli 18 patsienti (12,33%), kellel oli esinenud elu jooksul üle 30 luumurru. Keskmine luumurdude arv oli 13,23. Skeletivälistest tunnustest sinised skleerad esinesid 117 ja kuulmislangus 26 OI patsiendil.
Dentinogeneesi häire esines 60,96% OI patsientidest. Geneetilise analüüsi tulemuste hindamisel leiti tugev korrelatsioon DI ja I tüüpi kollageeni häire esinemise vahel. DI patsientidel esines mitmeid hambumuse häireid ning puuduvate hammaste hulk oli oluliselt suurem võrreldes kontrollgrupiga.
Kollageeni COL1A1 mutatsioone esines 36,3%-l ja COL1A2 mutatsioone 23,1%-l patsientidest, mis on madalam võrreldes teiste populatsioonidega. Samuti avastasime mitmeid uudsed patogeenseid variante, mis erineb varasematest uuringutest.
Leitud OI patsientide hulk ja raske fenotüübiga patsientide ülekaal näitab, et haigus on Vietnamis suure tõenäosusega jäänud diagnoosimata. Uuringu tulemused näitasid ka väiksemat kollageeni mutatsioonide arvu Vietnami patsientidel võrreldes teistes s.h. Aasia populatsioonidega. Uuring näitas, et Vietnami OI on unikaalne nii fenotüübilt kui genotüübilt.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), known also as “brittle bone disease”, is a rare genetic disorder of bones. OI is characterized by low bone mass, bone fragility, and skeletal deformity. The variability of the OI ranges from mild to lethal forms. In addition to bone fragility and skeletal deformities, patients may develop a short stature, dentinogenesis imperfecta, blue eye sclerae and progressive hearing loss. At present, about 90% of OI cases arise due to mutations in the collagen genes. Some OI cases remain genetically undiagnosed and pathogenesis and genetics are not completely known. There is still no evidence of an association between OI with gender, race, or ethnic group. OI was not been studied in a Vietnamese population before. The aims of this study were to describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and mutations in the collagen genes among Vietnamese OI patients. A totally 146 OI patients from 120 OI families were included in the study. There was 99 families without previous OI history and 21 families had two or more generations of OI history. All patients had skeletal deformations. 34 OI patients had a history of intrauterine fractures. There were 18 patients (12.33%) who had suffered over 30 fractures. The mean number of lifetime fractures for was 13.23. There was 117 OI patients with blue sclera, 89 dentinogenesis imperfecta and 26 hearing loss. DI was indentifed in 60.96% patients with OI. Genetic analysis suggests presence of correlation between DI and abnormality of collagen type I. The occlusal features were common in OI patients. We identified COL1A1 mutations in 36.3% and COL1A2 mutations in 23.1% of patients, which is lower compared to other populations. Also, the amount of discovered novel pathogenic variants is different from previous studies. The number of found affected individuals and severe phenotypes indicates that the disease is underdiagnosed in Vietnam. The results will find practical use in educating of physicians about the signs of OI in order to improve diagnosis and prevention of complications of this rare disorder. Our data also showed a lower number of collagen OI pathogenic variants in studied Vietnamese patients compared to reported rates for other OI populations. Current study showed that Vietnamese OI population is unique for investigation of OI phenotype and genotype.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), known also as “brittle bone disease”, is a rare genetic disorder of bones. OI is characterized by low bone mass, bone fragility, and skeletal deformity. The variability of the OI ranges from mild to lethal forms. In addition to bone fragility and skeletal deformities, patients may develop a short stature, dentinogenesis imperfecta, blue eye sclerae and progressive hearing loss. At present, about 90% of OI cases arise due to mutations in the collagen genes. Some OI cases remain genetically undiagnosed and pathogenesis and genetics are not completely known. There is still no evidence of an association between OI with gender, race, or ethnic group. OI was not been studied in a Vietnamese population before. The aims of this study were to describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and mutations in the collagen genes among Vietnamese OI patients. A totally 146 OI patients from 120 OI families were included in the study. There was 99 families without previous OI history and 21 families had two or more generations of OI history. All patients had skeletal deformations. 34 OI patients had a history of intrauterine fractures. There were 18 patients (12.33%) who had suffered over 30 fractures. The mean number of lifetime fractures for was 13.23. There was 117 OI patients with blue sclera, 89 dentinogenesis imperfecta and 26 hearing loss. DI was indentifed in 60.96% patients with OI. Genetic analysis suggests presence of correlation between DI and abnormality of collagen type I. The occlusal features were common in OI patients. We identified COL1A1 mutations in 36.3% and COL1A2 mutations in 23.1% of patients, which is lower compared to other populations. Also, the amount of discovered novel pathogenic variants is different from previous studies. The number of found affected individuals and severe phenotypes indicates that the disease is underdiagnosed in Vietnam. The results will find practical use in educating of physicians about the signs of OI in order to improve diagnosis and prevention of complications of this rare disorder. Our data also showed a lower number of collagen OI pathogenic variants in studied Vietnamese patients compared to reported rates for other OI populations. Current study showed that Vietnamese OI population is unique for investigation of OI phenotype and genotype.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
ebatäiuslik luuteke, osteokondrodüsplaasiad, pärilikud haigused, luukude, osteogenees, kollageen, mutatsioonid, patoloogiline anatoomia, epidemioloogia, diagnostika (med.), Vietnam, brittle bone disease, osteochondrodysplasias, hereditary diseases, bone tissue, osteogenesis, collagen, mutations, pathological anatomy, epidemiology, diagnostics, Vietnam