Thunderstorm and lightning climatology in the Baltic countries and in northern Europe
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Äikesetormid kujutavad endast olulist ohtu nii inimeste elule kui varale. Välk ja teised ohtlikud äikesenähtused põhjustavad parasvöötmes igal aastal olulise osa ilmaga seotud majanduslikest kahjudest. Käesolev väitekiri uurib äikese ja välgu ajalis-ruumilist jaotust Baltimaades ning Põhja-Euroopas, samuti äikesekliima pikaajalisi muutusi. Töös esitatakse esmakordselt ülevaade Baltimaade äikesekliimast, samuti välgulöökide ajalis-ruumilisest jaotusest Põhja-Euroopas. Keskmine aastane pilv-maa välkude sagedus varieerub 0,01 löögist km−2 a−1 Norra põhja- ja lääneosas 1,08 löögini km−2 a−1 Rootsi edelaosas ja Baltimaades. Keskmine aastane äikesepäevade arv ulatub 2 päevast Põhja-Norras 29,5-ni Leedu lõunaosas. Kõige enam on äikest suvel ja pärastlõunasel ajal, kui päikesekiirgus on kõige intensiivsem. Lisaks on äikest selgelt enam maismaa kohal, kuna see soojeneb tugevamalt kui meri. Baltimaades on mitmed kohalikud äikesemaksimumid seotud kõrgustikega, mis sunnivad õhuvoole tõusma ja soodustavad konvektsiooni. Kõige sagedamini põhjustab äikest soe õhuvool lõunast või kagust, samuti madalrõhukeskme asumine uurimisala kohal. Kõige harvemini on äikest juhul kui Baltimaade piirkonnas asub kõrgrõhukese või valitseb põhjavool. Perioodil 1950-2004 on äikese sagedus Baltimaades langenud, kusjuures suurim langus on toimunud ajavahemikus 1960-1990. Äikese sageduse vähenemine on seostatav pikaajaliste muutustega Põhja-Euroopa suvises atmosfääri tsirkulatsioonis. Perioodil 1960-1990 suurenes äikese tekkeks ebasoodsa põhjavoolu esinemissagedus ning vähenes äikest soodustava lõuna- ja kaguvoolu sagedus. Viimase 20 aasta jooksul on vaadeldavad vastupidised trendid ning äikese esinemissagedus on taas tõsunud. Tulemused näitavad, et Põhja-Euroopa ja Baltimaade äikesekliima on sarnane naabermaade äikesekliimaga. Esitatud andmete põhjal on võimalik hinnata välgu poolt põhjustatud riske erinevates Põhja-Euroopa piirkondades.
Thunderstorms are hazardous and potentially damaging weather events which are among the major causes of weather-related damages and economic losses in mid-latitudes. The thesis investigates thunderstorm and lightning climate and its long-term changes in the Baltic countries and northern Europe. The first complex overviews of thunderstorm climate in the Baltic countries as well as of lightning climate in northern Europe are presented. The annual average ground flash density varies from 0.01 flashes km−2 y−1 in northern and western Norway to 1.08 flashes km−2 y−1 in southwestern Sweden and in the Baltic countries. The average annual number of thunderstorm days varies from 2 days in northern Norway to 29.5 days in southern Lithuania. Thunderstorms are most abundant during summer afternoons when solar heating is the most intense. Thunderstorms are clearly more frequent over land which is a warmer surface than the sea. Many local thunderstorm maxima in the Baltic countries are associated with uplands which force the air to rise and initiate convection. Thunderstorms are most frequent in case of warm southerly or southeasterly airflow and least frequent in case of cool northerly airflow. Thunderstorm frequency in the Baltic countries has decreased during 1950-2004 and the main descent has occurred between 1960 and 1990. This trend was found to be associated with long-term changes in the warm season atmospheric circulation in northern Europe. During the last 20 years, a controversial trend has appeared and thunderstorm frequency has increased again. Results indicate that thunderstorm climate in the study area is similar to that in the surrounding countries. Results allow the estimation of lightning risks in northern Europe.
Thunderstorms are hazardous and potentially damaging weather events which are among the major causes of weather-related damages and economic losses in mid-latitudes. The thesis investigates thunderstorm and lightning climate and its long-term changes in the Baltic countries and northern Europe. The first complex overviews of thunderstorm climate in the Baltic countries as well as of lightning climate in northern Europe are presented. The annual average ground flash density varies from 0.01 flashes km−2 y−1 in northern and western Norway to 1.08 flashes km−2 y−1 in southwestern Sweden and in the Baltic countries. The average annual number of thunderstorm days varies from 2 days in northern Norway to 29.5 days in southern Lithuania. Thunderstorms are most abundant during summer afternoons when solar heating is the most intense. Thunderstorms are clearly more frequent over land which is a warmer surface than the sea. Many local thunderstorm maxima in the Baltic countries are associated with uplands which force the air to rise and initiate convection. Thunderstorms are most frequent in case of warm southerly or southeasterly airflow and least frequent in case of cool northerly airflow. Thunderstorm frequency in the Baltic countries has decreased during 1950-2004 and the main descent has occurred between 1960 and 1990. This trend was found to be associated with long-term changes in the warm season atmospheric circulation in northern Europe. During the last 20 years, a controversial trend has appeared and thunderstorm frequency has increased again. Results indicate that thunderstorm climate in the study area is similar to that in the surrounding countries. Results allow the estimation of lightning risks in northern Europe.
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äike, välk, Baltimaad, Põhja-Euroopa, thunder, bolt, Baltic States, Northern Europe