Hansapanga brändiidentiteedi muutmine: protsess ja tähendus



Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool



This bachelor thesis (“Rebranding Hansapank: process and meaning” ) focuses on the branding in banking in general and gives a detailed overview of the rebranding process of Hansapank, when the latter took over the visual and verbal identity of its owner, FöreningSparBanken Group. Thesis is based on the theoretical literature and on the empirical research: interviews conducted with the people behind the rebranding process as well as with impartial experts. For analysing, three main questions were set out: 1. Why and how the rebranding process of Hansapank took place? 2. In which way the identity of Hansapank resembles or differs with the identity of Swedbank ? 3. How important is branding in banking and in service due experts opinion? To find answers to the questions, this thesis first takes a look at the theoretical literature written on the topic of rebranding process, brand and branding. The latter is extremely important in banking – all banks mainly focus on selling trust and intangible assets which is why it is important to differ from the others with a unique feature that can be achieved through successful branding strategy. Hansapank was mentioned several times as the best brand in Estonia and people in Estonia associated it mostly with positive connotations, after Hansapank took over Swedbank´s name several experts have mentioned that it was not right decision, because the values of the Hansapank retentsioned. Hansapank changed its brandidentity in order to show their one group identity trough visual and verbal signs. This theses focuses on the reasons why brandidentiy change was started and it also focuses on the comparison of the identities of Hansapank and Swedbank. In conclusion, this thesis helps to see and understand the rebranding process of Hansapank through various aspects and could come to use for the companies facing a rebranding process themselves.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, organisatsioonid, pangad (maj.), turunduskommunikatsioon, brändimine, kaubamärgid, muutused, identiteet, mainekujundus, Hansapank
