Audio System for the Social Humanoid Robot SemuBot
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Tartu Ülikool
A huge and important part of a human companion robot is related to communication abilities.
The humanoid robot should be able to hear the incoming speech, understand it and respond to
it in the direction of a human that starts the interaction. To provide for such a solution, this
thesis focuses on the design, testing and implementation of such a sound system for a real
human companion robot.
The proposed sound system is composed of a microphone array board, a speaker system, a
digital amplifier, and the Arduino MEGA for testing amplifier volume gain. Additionally, the
ROS2 Humble is utilised for uniting the coded scripts and better communication with other
parts of the robot.
The result of this work is shown on a real robot and together with other team members
presented as a working prototype.
ROS2, Sound system, Humanoid robot, Microphone array board, Audio